Fate is a neutral circumstance.
Your free will allows you to embrace, celebrate, and experience your fate however you want. 

I'm a Stoic witch, astrologer, music fanatic, teacher, time ninja, bibliophile, and a fate & free will coach for entrepreneurs.

If you're still reading it's probably because you're aware of how much you have to offer the world and you're ready to fully step into the awesomeness that is you. If so, let's get to know each other.

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"I’ve been in cognitive behavioral therapy on and off for about 12 years mainly due to anxiety. In addition to therapy, I’ve tried a ton of other methods to try to get rid of anxiety and live my best life. About 2 years ago Robin introduced me to thought work. Through two different thought work programs, I’ve worked with about 10 different coaches who all use the foundation Robin uses. She has been the best coach I’ve ever worked with and she was made for this.  Highly recommended!" 

-Marisa Ann


For those tired of living on autopilot or by someone else's rules. 



Does it get any cooler than having a Stoic witch for a life coach? 

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"Before I started coaching with Robin, I was 100% ruled by my emotions and impulsivity. Robin challenges me to look deeper at each situation and really get to the heart of why I’m feeling a certain way and if that emotion is getting me the result I want. It’s not always fun and sometimes I am not the easiest client but I have really benefited from Robin’s help. I’m not perfect but I’m much better at taking a step back and not imposing my own expectations on others. I love being challenged to look outside my own experiences and question the ideas that I have been brought up with."  

-Meagan P.

Broll by Videezy

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[Fate & Free Will ] Astrology for the Week of October 14-20

[Fate & Free Will ] Astrology for the Week of October 21 - 27

Oct 21, 2024


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