Wicked Veracity Podcast Show Notes | Episode 50
Dec 02, 2021
Eclipses for Entrepreneurs & Other Heretics
*Updated March 21, 2024
If you’re an entrepreneur or even if you’re working a regular 9-5 job but you want to know what in the world an eclipse means for your chances of landing a client, closing a deal, starting something new, or generally existing during an eclipse - I’ve got you covered.
The first portion of this episode will be general information on eclipses as it relates to entrepreneurs and other heretics so that even if you find this five years after I write it, it’ll still be useful.
Let’s start with the basics.
North & South Node
Nodes are the points at which eclipses occur. They look like a little U with circles on the end. The upside-down U is the north node.
There are two of these nodes, the North Node and the South Node and they are always opposite each other in the zodiac. The super cool thing about the nodes is they aren’t physical bodies like planets, stars, or asteroids. They’re mathematical points where the orbit of the Moon intersects with the ecliptic. The ecliptic is the apparent path the Sun takes around the earth each year. The North Node is where the Moon moves into the northern ecliptic hemisphere and the south node is where the Moon enters the southern ecliptic. Actually, I like to think of them as the gateway points because once you learn how powerful these mathematical points can be, you’ll start wondering about other cool points like the Part of Fortune, Part of Spirit, and Part of Eros - but more on those some other time.
Why it Matters: Wherever the North Node is transiting in your chart is an area of increased activity and interest. Where the South Node is transiting in your chart is an area of decrease or letting go. There is a lot of information out there that makes the North Node out to be good and the South Node comes off as a villain, but that’s just silly. There is no good or bad in astrology, just subjectively preferable or not preferable. The experience you have of it is largely up to you, but it will likely be more subjectively enjoyable if you’re working with rather than against the energetic waves.
Eclipse Cycles
Nodes stay in a pair of signs for about a year and a half. So, if the North Node is in Aries the South Node will be in Libra and that’s where the eclipses will be occurring when the Sun and Moon get near them. This is an eclipse cycle and it only happens once every eighteenish years. Since each sign corresponds with one house in your chart (using Whole Sign Houses as I do) that means that there are two houses being activated by eclipses at any given moment.
Usually eclipses come in pairs, but sometimes there will be three back-to-back. If there are three, it doesn’t mean the end times are nigh. It just means the eclipse window of caution will be a little longer than usual.
Solar & Lunar Eclipses
Solar eclipses always occur on the New Moon. The Moon gets between the Earth and the Sun and the light is literally removed from the day.
New Moons are normally when people want to initiate new things or set intentions or do some other form of manifestation magic. However, on an eclipse that’s a remarkably bad idea.
Lunar eclipses always occur on the Full Moon. The Earth gets between the Sun and the Moon and blocks the reflected light that normally creates the beautiful full moon we all know and love.
For entrepreneurs, that means don’t schedule a launch during that two-week period between the eclipses if you can avoid it and for sure not on the day of the eclipse. Seriously, you own your own business you can avoid the day.
I’d also avoid sales calls, important meetings, signing paperwork, hiring anyone, putting out an ad to find someone to hire, photoshoots, and all of the other initiatory things.
Why it Matters: Eclipses are not a time of manifestation. What you should be doing to harness eclipse energy in a beneficial way, regardless of whether or not it is a solar or lunar eclipse, is reviewing and releasing anything that might be standing in the way of what it is you want to manifest over the next six months in the area of your life that is being highlighted by the eclipse.
Eclipse Windows
Whatever is going to happen that is indicated in your chart usually happens before the next lunation. What that means is, if there is a solar eclipse at the New Moon the eclipse energy will be in full effect until the following Full Moon. If that Full Moon is a Lunar Eclipse then that eclipse energy will be in effect until the following New Moon. That’s the narrowest of eclipse windows.
The broader expectation is that ripples from the set of eclipses will ripple out until the next set of eclipses. Think of them as aftershocks. Sometimes you’ll be able to feel them but sometimes you’ll just be dealing with the repercussions.
Why it Matters: I recommend taking note of anything that happens within the 24 hours of an eclipse and the two weeks following because it can be something of a preview for the next six months. I’ve seen a lot of entrepreneurs get ideas around the time of the eclipse that will play out in their businesses over the two weeks to six months following.
Eclipse Houses
The thing about astrological houses is that they represent a lot of different topics and not all of them are going to be relevant to you at any given moment in time.
- 1st house
- You, your body, how you view yourself, and how you present yourself to the world
- 2nd house
- How you make money, how you value yourself, your resources
- 3rd house
- Siblings, neighbors, education, writing, daily routine, regular commute/travel
- 4th house
- Your family, your ancestry, what makes you feel grounded
- 5th house
- Creativity, sex, romance, children, the things you desire
- 6th house
- Your obligations and what you feel obligated to, health, employees, small pets, work that you do daily
- 7th house
- One-on-one relationships which could be business partners, individual clients, romantic relationships, open enemies
- 8th house
- Other people’s money, investments, taxes, psychology, surgery, the occult
- 9th house
- Foreign or long-distance travel, higher education, philosophy, religion, and spirituality, what is foreign to you, astrology
- 10th house
- Authority, your calling or career, your boss, who you are when you’re on stage
- 11th house
- Hopes, wishes, networks and networking, friends, organizations that support you, philanthropy
- 12th house
- Hidden enemies, isolation, retreat, sabbaticals
Why it matters: The house the eclipse is in, in your chart, is more important than the sign because it tells you what area of life is being triggered. Without this information, it is difficult to say with any specificity what it might mean for your personal life or your business.
Eclipse FAQs
At this point you probably have a million questions, right? I’ll cover some that I get most frequently.
- What's the easiest way to know when an eclipse is happening?
- How do I know what house the eclipse will be in, in MY chart?
- Astro Seek has my favorite free chart software
- What if I can’t even see the eclipse from my location?
- That’s great, it won’t be as powerful for you but you should still follow all of the advice above.
- What if I can see the eclipse from my location?
- Err on the side of caution.
- What if I *want* to work with the eclipse energy anyway?
- Do you, it’s not like there are eclipse cops waiting to take you away for being a naughty entrepreneur.
- Where can I find out where upcoming eclipses will be visible?
- How do I find out what sign an eclipse is in?
- But what does it mean for ME?
- You schedule a consultation with me at https://www.wickedveracity.com/fateandfreewillcoaching
If you’re intrigued and want to learn more about eclipses, I highly recommend How Eclipses Work in Astrology + Magic on Sphere and Sundry as well as the specific article on Remediation and Rituals for South Node Eclipses. I will also say the magical potions offered in their shop are well worth the investment, and no, I’m not an affiliate or sponsor for any of the businesses I’ve mentioned today.
Now we have come to the end of the "relevant at any point in time" portion of the podcast.
December 4, 2021 Solar Eclipse
If you’re listening to this in the future (after December of 2021) then you can stop here. If you’re here with me in 2021, let’s talk about the Solar Eclipse that will be happening in a couple of days on December 4th.
The Nodes moved into Gemini and Sagittarius on May 5, 2020. The eclipses in these signs occurred on:
- June 5, 2020 Sagittarius
- This first eclipse was a preview of the eclipse cycle because there were two more on the Cancer/Capricorn cycle wrapping it up on June 20 and July 4
- November 30, 2020 Gemini
- December 14, 2020 Sagittarius
- May 26, 2021 Sagittarius
- June 10, 2021 Gemini
- November 19 Taurus eclipse was the preview for the next year and a half cycle
- December 4, 2021 Gemini
If these eclipses were activated for you in a significant way, the dates should be close to significant and noticeable periods of activity in the houses they were located in. But the thing about all transits, even eclipses, is that they don’t all matter on a personal level every time. Some sets of eclipses will only be noticeable by what is happening out in the world rather than what’s happening in your personal or professional life.
This eclipse is of particular significance because it is the last one in the Gemini/Sagittarius cycle and it is on Ketu, or the South Node. This is an area of life where you've been experiencing a lot of transformative energy over the past year and a half. While new moons are typically a time for new beginnings, this is a new beginning that will likely require finally releasing something you’ve been struggling with for the past year and a half. To figure out what that might be refer back to the houses portion of the podcast and find the houses for Sagittarius and Gemini. The Sagittarius house will have more of an active focus on releasing old paradigms to help you prepare for new ones coming in while the North Node will have likely been an area of more immediate interest and expansion.
Story Time
I’ll give an example. Sagittarius is in my 3rd house of communication and Gemini is in my 9th house of foreign travel, higher education, philosophy, religion/spirituality, and astrology. I’ve been struggling with the direction I wanted to take my business. Over the past year and a half, I went through one of the most respected and rigorous life coaching programs in the world (philosophy and higher education). I also continued my astrological studies (spirituality, higher education, and astrology) by enrolling in both the Hellenistic Astrology and Electional Astrology courses offered by Chris Brennan through The Astrology School (I highly recommend both). I did all of this while continuing to create the Digital Astrology Calendar and working with the phenomenal Donna Woodwell to create and implement some truly spectacular offerings in the realm of Magic & Mastery (astrology and spirituality).
My north node wanted to take in all of the information and my south node was trying to determine how I was going to synthesize it and communicate it to the world - and what I was going to have to stop communicating about in order to make space for it.
What I’ve been doing for the past 14 years as an entrepreneur is working as a ghostwriter and course creator. Since I wasn’t writing massive works of life-changing literature or creating courses at the collegiate level, it’s been very much a third house activity and it’s fed into my 10th house of career where the ruler of my third is located. (Don’t worry, I’ll be talking a LOT more about career indicators in future podcasts). The point is, I’ve steadily been letting clients go with this south node transit as I focus on writing and thinking about creating courses at a much higher level - which is a 9th house thing.
So tell me...
What have the eclipses been highlighting for you? Can you identify what you’ve been releasing and what it’s preparing you for? What about what you’ve been more drawn to over the past year and a half and how that’s going to shape your future and the future of your business?
Spend time with these questions and see what comes up. If you’re feeling frisky, hit me up on Instagram and share your answers with me.
Until next time, my wish for you is the willingness to let go of anything that is holding you back.
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