The Best Astrology Apps for 2021
Dec 30, 2020
One of my favorite things about my phone is the easy access I have to incredibly powerful astrological software via the astrology apps that are now available.
The best astrology apps are those that you want to go back to day after day.
Most Used (by me)
- Hours - Calculates planetary hours according to traditional astrological rules based on your geographical location. I LOVE this app. I use it anytime I need to do something magical and when I'm planning when to send emails, schedule important meetings, and sometimes just because.
- Ingresses - Tells you when a planet will enter a new sign, hit a custom degree, or change direction. You wouldn't think something like that would be so useful but it IS.
- Apple - $2.99
- Android - Unavailable
- Digital Astrology Calendar - To be fair, this is my creation and it's technically a calendar but everyone calls it an app. It's crazy useful and works on any digital calendar and shows you the eight phases of the Moon, void Moons, planetary ingresses, and major aspects. I freaking love it and needed it, which is why I made it. Oh, and it also converts to whatever timezone your calendar is in. Cool, right?
- iPhemeris - This is one of the most streamlined chart generators available. It offers no interpretations, but I like that. It can generate natal and transit charts, progressions, solar or lunar returns, relocation, bi and tri-wheels, and so much more I don't have the room. It's crazy good and I highly recommend it if you don't need interpretations but do need super powerful software on your phone.
- Apple - $18.99 and yes it's beyond worth it
- Android - Unavailable
Astrology Interpretations
While I now tend to look for raw facts most of the time, I do still occasionally want something that will give me an opinion. However, before I first started seriously studying astrology these were the two apps I turned to most often. I don't have a favorite, I use them for different things.
TimePassages - I'm putting this one first because it was the first useful app I ever downloaded and it was totally free.
- Apple - FREE (pro version is epic and what I use and it's $29.99)
- Android - FREE (in app purchases range from $0.99 to $34.99)
Astro Gold - A fantastic app that gives you different options.
Best Free Astrology App
Time Nomad - It's phenomenal and it does all the things, and it's totally free, go download it right now.
- Apple - FREE
- Android - Unavailable
Astronomy Apps
You can't be into astrology and not be into astronomy. Well, maybe you can but I can't. I have almost as many sky apps as I do astrology apps at this point.
Night Sky - This is the one I currently use the most because I can use it from my watch which is the coolest thing ever. Also
- Apple - Free (in app purchases $4.99 - $29.99) The premium is mindblowing and totally worth it.
- Android - Not available
SkySafari - My original favorite and the one I still tend to use on my phone.
- Apple - $2.99 with additional in app purchase options
- Android - Free with in app purchases ranging from $0.99 to $3.99
Sky Guide - Don't ask me why I have three of these that basically do the same thing (because I actually have more) but this is another one I really like.
- Apple - $2.99 with more in app purchases available
- Android - Unavailable
Cosmic Watch - I can't even with how amazing and cool this is. I don't use it all the time but it will help you see the planets on a whole other level.
Best Moon Apps
Speaking of sky watching apps... The easiest and obviously most awesome thing in the sky to watch is the Moon. There are a ton of different Moon apps out there but these are the ones that I keep around. Although, I admit I don't use them as often as I did before my Digital Astrology Calendar.
iLuna - This app quickly shows you the phase, sign, next void of course, and lunar mansion and also gives you cool information about all of the above. It's the lunar app I use most often.
Deluxe Moon - I can't with how pretty this app is. I don't use it as often but it's one of the prettiest apps out there and has all the information you could possibly need. Seriously, if you are a lunatic for lady luna you should absolutely have this.
Vedic Astrology App
I like to work with the Nakshatras and to do that I prefer using the sidereal zodiac (to be fair I also think Lunar Mansions work better with the sidereal zodiac because they're based on the Moon's position relative to the stars, but that's a whole other blog post).
- Jyotish Dashboard - This is the only Vedic app I use but I'm not going to link it because it hasn't been updated in five years and beyond what I use it for I have no idea how useful it is.
Do you have a favorite astrology app that I didn't list above? Let me know what else I should be trying!
Don't forget you can check the Digital Astrology Calendar for free to see what's coming up or to add it to your favorite digital calendar.
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