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The Secret to World Domination: A Guide to Effective Goal Setting

astrology coaching Jul 03, 2023

The Secret to World Domination: A Guide to Effective Goal Setting

First, a disclaimer. I often use the phrase "world domination" when discussing my business, my client's businesses, big goals, planning a vacation, and so many other things. It's my version of a game plan or strategy. The phrase can be applied to anything, and the secret to achieving world domination is the same regardless of the objective.

World domination is the result of 15 minutes of specific action taken consistently.  Let’s break that very important sentence down.


First, let’s talk about the importance of specificity. The reason so many people fail to take action on their goals, dreams, and random to-do lists is because their objective is ambiguous. 

An ambiguous goal is something that usually looks *really* good on paper and sounds fantastic when you’re discussing it with your friends over coffee or with family at a holiday dinner - but it lacks clarity. 

For example, goals like "be more successful," "find my purpose," "be healthier," or "improve my relationships" are all examples of ambiguous goals.

Be More Successful

The goal to "be more successful" is ambiguous because it doesn’t specify what "success" means. Is it financial success, career success, personal success, or something else?

Find My Purpose

The find my purpose goal is ambiguous because it doesn’t specify what "purpose" means. Is it finding a career that fulfills you, discovering a passion, making a difference in the world, or something else?

Be Healthier

The be healthier goal is ambiguous because it doesn’t specify what "healthier" means. Is it losing weight, gaining muscle, reducing stress, or something else?

Improve My Relationships

The improve my relationships goal is ambiguous because it doesn’t specify which relationships need improvement. Is it family, friends, coworkers, or romantic relationships?

Goal Lab

Let’s make these examples more specific using the Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic and Timed (or SMART) method and make sure we’ve made them simple enough to keep us in massive action.

Instead of Be More Successful

Instead of "Be More Successful," we can transform it into a specific goal like this:

SMART Goal Creation

  • Specific: Make it more specific by resolving to increase the customer base by 25% in the next six months by posting consistent, high-quality content on social media platforms.
  • Measurable: Make it measurable by tracking the engagement and growth of the Instagram account by posting content twice a day and recording follower statistics weekly to ensure that it is on track to meet the 25% goal.
  • Achievable: Make it achievable by developing and implementing a content strategy, including creating a content calendar for consistent posting and engaging with the audience through comments and direct messages.
  • Relevant: The goal is relevant because it will help further my business aspirations, enabling me to reach a wider audience and improve my financial stability.
  • Time-bound: Make sure it is time-bound by setting a deadline, such as six months.

Additional Details for Implementation

Then you may want to brainstorm some additional details for implementation.

  1. Create a content calendar for regular posting and stick to a posting schedule.
  2. Develop a mix of content types (e.g., text, images, videos) and tailor content to the audience's interests.
  3. Use relevant hashtags and optimize post timing to maximize reach and engagement.
  4. Respond promptly to comments and direct messages to foster engagement and build a relationship with the audience.
  5. Track social media analytics to optimize content strategy and measure progress toward the goal.

By making our goals specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound, we increase our chances of success.


Even though we’ve created a much more specific goal, that’s a whole lot of information which can for sure cause a freeze or flight response within someone even if they really want the desired result.

That’s why it’s important to break the great big scary specific goal back down into a much simpler specific goal that can be accomplished in just 15 minutes a day.

Are you ready?

SMART + Simple Goal:

A SMART, simple goal for becoming more successful might look like:

Increase my customer base by 25% in the next six months by posting consistent, high-quality content on social media platforms.

Daily Action:

Now you need to specify what you’ll do every day to get there, such as:

Spend 15 minutes a day creating and posting to Instagram, and responding to DMs and comments.

No, it will not feel like you can do this but you absolutely can because it doesn't have to be perfect; it just has to be done. You'll get better and faster each time, and the time limit will prevent you from overthinking or spending excessive time on a single task. If you need additional guidance and motivation, I strongly recommend Simone Seoul's Garbage Post Challenge.

Now let’s repeat the entire process for the rest of the goals.

Instead of Find My Purpose

Instead of ‘Find My Purpose’ we can transform this goal into a specific goal like this:

  • Specific: Make it more specific by using something like the "Designing Your Life" methodology to explore and discover a fulfilling career path that aligns with your skills, interests, and values.
  • Measurable: Make it measurable by deciding to complete all the exercises and activities outlined in the "Designing Your Life" book, including the "Odyssey Plans" and "Good Time Journaling" exercises, and track progress by regularly reflecting on insights and learnings.
  • Achievable: Make it achievable by dedicating at least 1-2 hours each week to working through the exercises and activities in the book, and seeking support from a life coach or community to gain additional insight and feedback.
  • Relevant: This goal is relevant to both personal and professional growth, and it will enable you to find a fulfilling career path that provides financial stability and a sense of purpose.
  • Time-bound: Make sure it is time-bound by setting a deadline to complete all the exercises and activities outlined in the "Designing Your Life" book within the next 6 months.

Additional Details for Implementation:

Now for that brainstorming bit. This is important to do each time you’re goal-setting so you have a solid plan of action.

  1. Use the "Mind Mapping" and "Three Life Review" exercises to identify areas of interest and skills.
  2. Develop and explore multiple "Odyssey Plans" to gain exposure to potential career paths and explore possibilities.
  3. Use "Good Time Journaling" to evaluate potential career paths and experiences and identify those that align best with my skills, interests, and values.
  4. Seek feedback from a life coach or community to gain additional insight and support.
  5. Regularly evaluate progress towards the goal and adjust the approach as necessary to stay on track.

Now we need to simplify our SMART goal to increase our chances of success.

SMART + Simple Goal:

A SMART Simple goal for ‘find my purpose’ might look like:

Use the "Designing Your Life" methodology to explore and discover a fulfilling career path that aligns with my skills, interests, and values over the next month.

Daily Action:

Now you need to specify what you’ll do every day to get there, such as:

Spend 15 minutes a day reading and working through the exercises in the book.

And again, just like with the previous goal, it might seem impossible at first. But, you'd be amazed at how much progress you can make in just a quarter of an hour a day. Each session will offer fresh insights and deepen your understanding of what truly matters to you. Over time, this daily 15-minute commitment will morph into a routine that sets the stage for larger, life-changing realizations.

As you take this journey, remember that finding your purpose is a process, not a destination. There's no "one-and-done" solution, so be kind to yourself. Embrace the uncertainty and let the exploration guide you. You might not find your purpose instantly, but you'll definitely make strides toward understanding yourself better.

Instead of Be Healthier

Now let’s revise the original ‘Be Healthier’ goal by going through the same process

  • Specific: You can make it specific by using constraints in your goal setting such as establishing a healthier lifestyle that supports your body and mind by planning your meals in advance and making choices that align with your values and preferences.
  • Measurable: Make it measurable by deciding to plan out your meals and snacks for the next day the night before, using a food journal or meal planning app to track progress and monitor adherence to healthier choices.
  • Achievable: Make it achievable by only incorporating small changes into your eating habits, such as swapping out processed snacks for whole food options, increasing vegetable and fruit intake, reducing sugar and processed food consumption, or gradually increasing the complexity of my meal planning as I become more comfortable.
  • Relevant: This goal is relevant to both personal growth and development, and it will help to prioritize self-care, reduce stress, and improve overall health and well-being while embracing your body.
  • Time-bound: Make sure it is time-bound by setting a goal to establish and maintain this habit five out of seven days by the end of one month, with a focus on building a sustainable routine for long-term success.

Additional Details for Implementation:

Now let’s brainstorm for this goal.

  1. Utilize the tactic of deciding what to eat 24 hours before to reduce decision fatigue and ensure healthier choices are made.
  2. Incorporate mindful eating practices, such as taking time to savor and enjoy each bite, and listening to my body's hunger and fullness cues.
  3. Choose whole food options that are nourishing and satisfying, and allow for flexibility and enjoyment in my eating routine.
  4. Practice positive self-talk and celebrate small wins, such as successfully planning and sticking to two days' worth of meals, to build momentum and motivation.
  5. Continuously assess progress and adjust the approach as necessary to maintain a positive body image and sustainable routine.

SMART + Simple Goal:

A SMART Simple goal for be healthier might look like:

Establish a healthier lifestyle that supports my body and mind by planning my meals in advance and making choices that align with my values and preferences.

Daily Action:

Now you need to specify what you’ll do every day to get there, such as:

Spend 15 minutes every night planning out exactly what you’ll eat the next day. 

If you want to plan out your whole week on Sunday, that’s fine. But review the plan every night for 15 minutes so that you can make changes ahead of time on purpose and so you have time to take notes on how you’re doing and feeling.

Instead of Improve My Relationships

Alrighty, it’s time to revise the final goal of “Improve My Relationships”

  • Specific: You can make it specific by choosing to focus on one type of relationship such as attract and build a healthy romantic relationship with a partner who aligns with my values and goals by working on my thoughts and beliefs around relationships.
  • Measurable: Make it measurable by deciding to use daily journaling to identify and challenge any limiting beliefs and negative self-talk related to dating and relationships, and track progress in developing a more positive mindset and taking action towards meeting potential partners.
  • Achievable: Set achievable goals, such as attending social events or trying online dating, and practicing vulnerability and effective communication skills to build deeper connections with potential partners.
  • Relevant: This goal is relevant to both personal growth and development, and it will help to prioritize emotional well-being and establish a healthy, fulfilling romantic relationship while staying true to your values and priorities.
  • Time-bound: Make sure it is time-bound by setting a deadline to build a healthy romantic relationship within the next 12 months, using techniques to develop a positive mindset, and taking consistent action towards meeting potential partners. You could even break this down further by setting mini goals each month.

Additional Details for Implementation:

  1. Utilize thought work techniques, such as identifying and challenging any negative thoughts or limiting beliefs around dating and relationships, and replacing them with more positive, empowering beliefs.
  2. Practice vulnerability and effective communication skills, such as expressing my needs and boundaries, actively listening to potential partners, and being open and honest about my intentions and feelings.
  3. Set achievable goals for meeting potential partners, such as attending social events, joining interest groups or clubs, or trying online dating, and track progress towards these goals.
  4. Prioritize self-care and emotional well-being throughout the dating process, such as taking time for self-reflection and self-compassion, and seeking support from friends, therapists, or coaches as needed.
  5. Celebrate small wins and maintain a positive mindset, even in the face of rejection or disappointment, to build resilience and maintain motivation toward finding a fulfilling romantic relationship.

SMART + Simple Goal:

A SMART Simple goal for improve my relationships might look like:

Attract and build a healthy romantic relationship with a partner who aligns with my values and goals by working on my thoughts and beliefs around relationships.

Daily Action:

Now you need to specify what you’ll do every day to get there, such as:

Spend 15 minutes every day journaling, reading one of the relationship books, talking to people on Bumble, or any of the previously defined action steps.

I’d encourage you to decide ahead of time what you’ll do the next day and stick to it.


This brings us to the last key to world domination, consistency. 

Can you spend more than 15 minutes on your assigned task? Absolutely. Unless it will allow you to get in your own way (like taking a full day for one post). 

But if you do take more than 15 minutes, it doesn’t go towards the time requirement for the next day. We are building a daily habit here, not rushing to the finish line.

You’re building Rome, not the first little piggy’s straw house.

Success isn’t necessarily about putting in long hours of work. It’s about consistently taking specific action toward your goals. By committing to just 15 minutes of intentional, focused work each day, you can make steady progress and achieve your version of world domination. 

Remember, success is not an overnight achievement, but rather the result of consistent effort over time. So start small, stay consistent, and watch as your efforts add up to world domination results.

Ready to align your goals with easy-to-use astrology? Working with the Moon is my favorite gateway astro-drug because it’s accessible to everyone - even people who know nothing about astrology. My Lunar Empowerment Collection was created to guide you through the SMART goal-setting process and help you create timebound goals that are attached to the phases of the Moon.

The 27-page guidebook, Harvesting Moonlight, and the 23-page Lunar Navigation workbook blend SMART goal-setting with the phases of the Moon. Reusable with each new moon, these resources offer a unique, interactive experience for anyone drawn to astrology.

You don’t have to wait for the next New Moon, just click here to order your Lunar Empowerment Collection and start planning your next goal now.

Until next time, my wish for you is tiny increments of consistent action that lead to great big results.

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LicenseRustic Ballad by Alexander Nakarada

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