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Wicked Veracity Podcast Show Notes | Episode 127

horoscope Feb 19, 2023
Wicked Veracity Podcast Show Notes | Episode 127

If you’ve ever wondered what the astrology I talk about every week means for you, you should join the Crusade. It’s my monthly membership where you’ll learn all about working with the Moon and what the most important transits mean for you based on your rising sign in the monthly workbook I create just for Crusaders. Plus we have weekly group coaching calls which is where the transformation really happens. Learn all about it and get started here.

This week is all about fresh energy and moving forward. If you’ve felt stuck or stalled Monday is going to help catapult you forward in quiet internal ways as well as ‘what they heck have I been waiting for let’s go’ external ways. 

Monday 2/20: 

  •  Pisces πŸŒ‘ New Moon | 2:05 AM
    • ☽ at 01° 22‘ Pisces ☌ β˜‰ at 01° 22‘ Pisces 
  • β™€οΈŽ  β–» Aries | 2:55 AM

You know how some Monday’s just feel like you’re living in some version of the movie Groundhog Day and there are just slight variations in the theme of the day but it’s basically the exact same as all of the other Mondays? 

That isn’t the vibe this Monday.

At 2:05 am eastern we have a Pisces New Moon.

The Pisces New Moon is ideal for deciding what you want to create in this area of life. Set those intentions and create a sprint goal to help grow something over the next two weeks. 

I’ve talked a lot about the Pisces areas of life over the last couple of weeks but this is such a delicious new beginning I’m going to run it down again.

By rising sign, the area of life where you have an opportunity for a new beginning is: 

  • Aries Rising: Mental health, the subconscious, ways you self sabotage, the ways you isolate yourself, hidden enemies, transcendence, and spiritual liberation
  • Taurus Rising: Friends with influence, alliances, your hopes and dreams, social media, personal and professional networks, unions, mentors, and that which supports you
  • Gemini Rising: Your reputation, profession, actions, relationship with and to authority, your mother and her family, your destiny, and your ambitions
  • Cancer Rising: Higher education, divination, foreign travel, religion, astrology, the divine masculine, and your ability to grow, adapt, and learn
  • Leo Rising: Investment, other people’s money, debt, topics concerning death, psychology, taxes, fears, transformation, and the occult
  • Virgo Rising: Committed relationships, contracts, business partners, and other contractual relationships, and open enemies
  • Libra Rising: Physical health, illness, coworkers, your job, pets, self-improvement, and the things to which you feel obligated
  • Scorpio Rising: Children, pleasure, romance, dating, sexuality, the things you desire,  the creative arts, love affairs, the ways in which you are entertained, close friends, and lovers
  • Sagittarius Rising: Home, family, home life, land, ancestors, private self, your emotional foundation, gains from hidden sources, your father, and your father’s family
  • Capricorn Rising: Communication, divination, short-distance travel, your neighborhood, writing, your immediate environment, the divine feminine, siblings, and cousins
  • Aquarius Rising: Money, possessions, resources, and how you make a living
  • Pisces Rising: Self-awareness, your identity, appearance, personality, the way you view yourself, your character, your primary motivation, your body, your health, and vitality

This isn’t your average watery, indecisive, dreamy or delusional Piscean New Moon. There are a lot of factors at play such as the ruler of the New Moon, Jupiter, hanging out in Aries. That gives it a little fiery push of go out and do something. 

The lunation is also conjunct Saturn which gives the new beginning fortitude without being depressing or restrictive because the conjunction is an out of sign aspect (all that means is that Saturn isn’t in the same sign as the Sun and Moon but it’s still realllllllllly close to them).

Finally, this New Moon is especially delightful because Venus is also present in Pisces, where she is exalted and has the most Empress vibe imaginable. It’s luscious fertility, decadent indulgence, and prioritizing desires, and the feminine. 

Interestingly, as big of a deal as this New Moon is, it’s not the biggest change of the week because the New Moon is quiet and internal. There are going to be great big massive shifts that are mostly internal and tied to your Pisces and Aries houses topics most significantly. 

Not just because Jupiter is hanging out in Aries ruling this New Moon but also because less than an hour after the lunation, Venus enters Aries. 

The house Venus is moving into is the area of life where you’ll be more willing to define and attract the things you value and desire (and reject the things that no longer live up to your standards), creating beauty as you define it, and facilitating greater harmony for yourself, between yourself and others, or between your inner and outer worlds. 

The house where you find Aries is where you have a greater need for independence and personal autonomy. You’re unlikely to enjoy following along in Aries house topics unless the leader is someone worthy (as defined by you) of being followed.

In this area of life you may find yourself being the initiator, innovative, inspiring, direct, spontaneous, independent, and courageous or impulsive, impatient, aggressive, selfish, and overbearing. 

I think of Venus as something of a fairy godmother and in Aries she’s got a dom edge. With Venus in Aries you’ll be more magnetic in one area of life and more likely to go after what you desire. What do you want as it relates to your Aries house topics and what are you willing to do to make yourself available to receive it because while it is an aggressive sign, Venus is magnetic and receptive. You’ll need to be aggressively available.  

By rising sign the topics you’ll be exploring through the lens of Venus in Aries are:

  • Aries Rising: Self-awareness, your identity, appearance, personality, the way you view yourself, your character, your primary motivation, your body, your health, and vitality
  • Taurus Rising: Mental health, the subconscious, ways you self sabotage, the ways you isolate yourself, hidden enemies, transcendence, and spiritual liberation
  • Gemini Rising: Friends with influence, alliances, your hopes and dreams, social media, personal and professional networks, unions, mentors, and that which supports you
  • Cancer Rising: Your reputation, profession, actions, relationship with and to authority, your mother and her family, your destiny, and your ambitions
  • Leo Rising: Higher education, divination, foreign travel, religion, astrology, the divine masculine, and your ability to grow, adapt, and learn
  • Virgo Rising: Investment, other people’s money, debt, topics concerning death, psychology, taxes, fears, transformation, and the occult
  • Libra Rising: Committed relationships, contracts, business partners, and other contractual relationships, and open enemies
  • Scorpio Rising: Physical health, illness, coworkers, your job, pets, self-improvement, and the things you feel obligated to 
  • Sagittarius Rising: Children, pleasure, romance, dating, sexuality, the things you desire,  the creative arts, love affairs, the ways in which you are entertained, close friends, and lovers 
  • Capricorn Rising: Home, family, home life, land, ancestors, private self, your emotional foundation, gains from hidden sources, your father, and your father’s family
  • Aquarius Rising: Communication, divination, short-distance travel, your neighborhood, writing, your immediate environment, the divine feminine, siblings, and cousins
  • Pisces Rising: Money, possessions, resources, and how you make a living


Tuesday 2/21:

  •  β˜½ at 15° 18‘ Pisces ✳ β™… at 15° 18‘ Taurus | 12:19 AM
  • ☽ at 16° 11‘ Pisces β–‘ β™‚οΈŽ at 16° 11‘ Gemini | 1:43 AM
  • ☽ ☌ ♆ at 24° 17‘ Pisces | 2:51 PM
  • ☿ at 15° 19‘ Aquarius β–‘ β™… at 15° 19‘ Taurus | 5:22 PM
  • ☽ at 29° 18‘ Pisces ✳ ♇ at 29° 18‘ Capricorn | 11:05 PM

Tuesday there will be a lot of processing going on of all of the things that shifted on Monday and communication is likely to be a bit more unpredictable and explosive.  It’s a fantastic idea to respond rather than react during this period especially as it relates to your Aquarius and Taurus house topics. 

Wednesday 2/22:

  •   β˜½ β–» Aries | 12:13 AM
  • ☽ ☌ β™€οΈŽ at 02° 32‘ Aries | 4:25 AM
  • ☿ at 16° 45‘ Aquarius β–³ β™‚οΈŽ at 16° 45‘ Gemini | 3:13 PM
  • ☽ ☌ ♃ at 10° 31‘ Aries | 5:48 PM

Wednesday the Moon moves into Aries giving you another little boost in this area. The next time the Moon hits Aries it will be with an energetic New Moon. Spend the next couple of days thinking about what you really want in your Aries house because all of the benefics (Venus, Jupiter, and the Moon) are here making this an ideal time to dream big but not in a delusional way. In a what do I need to change to have what I want way and what actions am I willing to take. 

In other news, Mercury is trining Mars today. This is great for facilitating direct, authentic communication. This is great for pitching an idea, delivering presentations, or asking for something you want as it relates to the Aquarius and Gemini houses of your chart.

Thursday 2/23:

  •  β˜½ at 16° 57‘ Aries ✳ β™‚οΈŽ at 16° 57‘ Gemini | 4:44 AM
  • ☽ at 17° 43‘ Aries ✳ ☿ at 17° 43‘ Aquarius | 6:02 AM
  • πŸŒ’ Waxing Crescent Moon
    • ☽ at 19° 42‘ Aries β˜‰ at 04° 42‘ Pisces 

Thursday is fantastic for making progress on what you’re working on and communicating any of your recent breakthroughs as it relates to your Aries, Aquarius, Gemini, and Pisces houses. How is that story weaving together for you? 

Friday 2/24:

  •  β˜½ at 28° 39‘ Aries ✳ β™„ at 28° 39‘ Aquarius | 1:05 AM 
  • ☽ at 29° 22‘ Aries β–‘ ♇ at 29° 22‘ Capricorn | 2:21 AM
  • ☽ β–» Taurus | 3:29 AM
  • ☽ at 05° 53‘ Taurus ✳ β˜‰ at 05° 53‘ Pisces | 2:01 PM 

Friday the Moon moves into Taurus at 3:29 am eastern kicking off a delicious weekend. The Moon is exalted in Taurus and will be crossing the North Node early in the day giving you a nudge towards the eclipse topics that have been coming up but in kind of a nice way. It’s new beginnings and more forward momentum with tonight offering a few surprises.

Saturday 2/25:

  •  β˜½ ☌ β™… at 15° 25‘ Taurus | 7:24 AM
  • ☽ at 21° 47‘ Taurus β–‘ ☿ at 21° 47‘ Aquarius | 7:15 PM

Saturday is lovely in general. Kind of a sensual, exploratory, indulgent vibe that is best approached with curiosity. If you’re not feeling overly curious it’s much more likely to present as frustrated and cranky so be sure to take the time to respond from curiosity rather than react from frustration.

 If you make it through the day, Saturday night is actually pretty dreamy and romantic.

Sunday 2/26: 

  •  β˜½ at 24° 26‘ Taurus ✳ ♆ at 24° 26‘ Pisces | 12:15 AM
  • ☽ at 28° 55‘ Taurus β–‘ β™„ at 28° 55‘ Aquarius | 8:45 AM
  • ☽ at 29° 25‘ Taurus β–³ ♇ at 29° 25‘ Capricorn | 9:42 AM
  • ☽ β–» Gemini | 10:47 AM

Sunday morning might be a little rough, especially if you stayed up too late indulging in that dreamy romantic energy or if you channeled it into a late night binge of some sort. 

However, once the Moon makes it into Gemini at 10:47 eastern, curiosity, communication, and intellectual exploration become much more of the vibe. Use it to to explore new ideas, places, or people if you can or just enjoy the mental and emotional clarity.

If you’re feeling frisky, hit me up on Instagram and let me know how the astrology of the week played out for you.

Until next time, my wish for you is the courage to be aggressively available for all of your wildest dreams to come true.


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