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[Fate & Free Will ] Astrology for the Week of November 6 - 12

horoscope Nov 06, 2023
[Fate & Free Will ] Astrology for the Week of November 6 - 12

I started writing astrology forecasts to help people leverage astrology and manage their minds around what sometimes feel like pretty difficult transits. But I quickly realized that for a lot of people, these forecasts were just something they were passively consuming - sort of like an episode of a sitcom that they forgot about immediately after.

But then there were the others. I had so many people tell me they print the forecasts or pull up the email every day to review what to expect - and they kept telling me how much easier it made it to cope with the days that were challenging. 

I wanted to amplify that experience, so I created The Crusade to combine astrology and coaching. You can join monthly and cancel anytime if you think it’s not a great fit for you. Interested? You can learn all about it here

Monday 11/6: 

  • ☽ at 23° 57‘ Leo □ ☿ at 23° 57‘ Scorpio | 2:25 AM
  • ♀︎ at 28° 03‘ Virgo △ ♇ at 28° 03‘ Capricorn | 9:37 AM
  • ☽ ▻ Virgo | 2:39 PM
  • ☽ at 00° 31‘ Virgo ☍ ♄ at 00° 31‘ Pisces | 3:42 PM
  • ☿ at 25° 07‘ Scorpio △ ♆ at 25° 07‘ Pisces | 8:36 PM

Monday has a lot going on under the surface. It’s perfect for evaluating what it is you truly want, thinking about it creatively, and creating practical solutions that help you achieve your wildest dreams.

Let’s try a little something new that the Crusaders have been really enjoying - themes for specific aspects that are occurring. Think of these as some of the possible ways the ‘big’ transits going on today could be leveraged.

  • Grounded Reassessment
  • Synergistic Growth
  • Intuitive Insights
  • Deep Conversations
  • Creative Expression

Tuesday 11/7:

  • ☽ at 09° 54‘ Virgo △ ♃ at 09° 54‘ Taurus | 10:43 AM
  • ☽ at 15° 25‘ Virgo ✳ ☉ at 15° 25‘ Scorpio | 9:53 PM

Tuesday is excellent for getting very practical things accomplished. If you don’t have anything in mind for today (why is that? And please for the love of all that is holy let me introduce you to the magic of scheduling) think about what you could do today that would give you a sense of tangible accomplishment.

Wednesday 11/8:

  • ☽ at 18° 41‘ Virgo ✳ ♂︎ at 18° 41‘ Scorpio | 4:29 AM
  • ♀︎ ▻ Libra | 4:30 AM
  • ☽ at 21° 16‘ Virgo △ ♅ at 21° 16‘ Taurus | 9:40 AM
  • ☽ at 25° 05‘ Virgo ☍ ♆ at 25° 05‘ Pisces | 5:20 PM
  • ☿ at 28° 05‘ Scorpio ✳ ♇ at 28° 05‘ Capricorn | 7:16 PM
  • ☽ at 28° 05‘ Virgo △ ♇ at 28° 05‘ Capricorn | 11:20 PM
  • ☽ at 28° 23‘ Virgo ✳ ☿ at 28° 23‘ Scorpio |11:55 PM

Wednesday is the day we have all been waiting for (and by we I mean me and anyone else who loves a good Venus placement) because today at 4:30 am eastern, Venus moves into Libra.

When Venus arrives in Libra there's an amplification of both Venusian and Libran qualities. This is a time when the pursuit of beauty, balance, and harmonious relationships takes center stage. 

The energy encourages diplomatic interactions, the appreciation of art and beauty, and the fostering of genuine connections. With an innate understanding of fairness and equilibrium, Venus in Libra seeks to create environments and relationships that resonate with peace, grace, and mutual respect. 

It's a period where love and relationships can flourish, where compromise is more accessible, and where there's a heightened sense of beauty in the everyday.

In addition to all of the above,  you can expect a delightful dose of fairy godmother magic in specific areas as well. By rising sign:

  • Aries Rising: The focus intensifies on creating equilibrium in marriages and partnerships. This period often brings a smoother path to resolving conflicts with adversaries through diplomatic means, reflecting Venus's desire for harmony. Contracts and agreements made now are likely to be beneficial and equitable, strengthening the bonds of both romantic and business partnerships.
  • Taurus Rising: There's a focus on harmony in daily routines and the workplace. You may find more pleasure in your job or in providing service to others. Health routines could become more pleasurable, and you might be drawn to aesthetics in your health and diet.
  • Gemini Rising: Creativity and romance are highlighted when Venus transits your 5th house. You may feel more inclined to pursue hobbies that bring you joy and to express yourself artistically. Love affairs can be particularly sweet, emphasizing a balanced give-and-take.
  • Cancer Rising: Venus in the 4th house brings harmony to your home life. It's an excellent period for decorating or hosting gatherings, as you seek to create a peaceful and beautiful living environment. Family relationships can be infused with understanding and love.
  • Leo Rising: Venus's love for balance and diplomacy, makes this an excellent time for engaging conversations, learning new things, and sharing ideas. Communication with siblings, neighbors, or people who feel like siblings should be easier.
  • Virgo Rising: Venus in your 2nd house can herald a time of increased financial stability and the attraction of material resources. You may indulge in luxurious experiences or purchases that bring beauty into your life. There's also an emphasis on aligning your values with your need for balance and harmony.
  • Libra Rising: Your charm and grace are enhanced. You radiate an alluring and approachable vibe that attracts others. It's a time for self-love and pampering, and you may find yourself more invested in your appearance, seeking to balance your self-image with how others perceive you.
  • Scorpio Rising: Love may take on a more private or secret dimension. It's a time for self-reflection, healing, and finding beauty in solitude. 
  • Sagittarius Rising: Social life gets a boost as Venus transits your 11th house. You may attract new friendships or enjoy a more active social calendar. Group activities, especially those related to artistic or social justice causes, can be particularly fulfilling.
  • Capricorn Rising: There's an increased chance for career advancement through charm and social grace, as professional contributions are made with greater finesse. Public image benefits from Venusian qualities, leading to enhanced reputation and possibly public favor. This transit can also mark a period where leadership is exercised with fairness and elegance.
  • Aquarius Rising: You may experience a deepened appreciation for the beauty in diverse cultures and philosophies encountered during long journeys. This placement nurtures your pursuit of learning and broadens your understanding of justice and beauty within various belief systems. It's a period where your spiritual and ethical values may be enhanced through exploration and the fostering of connections across borders.
  • Pisces Rising: You may find yourself gracefully navigating the complexities of shared resources and joint finances, possibly finding equitable solutions in fiscal partnerships. This period may also bring a subtle transformation in how you approach life's deeper mysteries, fostering an appreciation for the occult and the transformative power of rebirth. It's a time for profound introspection, potentially leading to a regeneration of personal values and a redefinition of what you consider your intangible legacies.


Thursday 11/9:

  • ☽ ▻ Libra | 3:07 AM
  • ☽ ☌ ♀︎ at 01° 07‘ Libra | 5:22 AM
  • 🌘 Waning Crescent Moon | 6:43 AM
    • ☽ at 01° 48‘ Libra ☉ at 16° 48‘ Scorpio

If you’ve been feeling like all of the Venus things in your life (like love, women, beauty, creativity) have been a little bit harder for the past month - today is a massive reboot as the Moon and Venus join together. 

This is truly a delightful day to indulge or to reevaluate what you want as it relates to those Venus (or Libra house) topics.

Friday  11/10:

  • ☿ ▻ Sagittarius | 1:24 AM
  • ☿ at 00° 32‘ Sagittarius □ ♄ at 00° 32‘ Pisces | 10:07 AM

Friday Mercury moves into Sagittarius at 1:24 am eastern.

With Mercury in Sagittarius, thoughts and conversations are eager to explore beyond familiar territories and to understand varying perspectives.

While Mercury is here, conversations tend to be candid and direct, valuing honesty. This can be both refreshing and challenging, as the directness can sometimes come off as blunt.

This is a great time to harness the expansive thinking and enthusiasm that Mercury in Sagittarius offers. However, given Mercury's detriment in Sagittarius, it's essential to be mindful of not overlooking details in the excitement and ensure clarity in communication.

In addition to all of the above, you can expect your thoughts and conversations to be pointed towards some specific topics. By rising sign:

  • Aries Rising: Your mind turns towards higher learning, philosophy, and long-distance travel. It’s a favorable time for academic pursuits and for expanding your worldview. Be mindful of overgeneralizing or being dogmatic in your opinions.
  • Taurus Rising: Expect conversations to turn towards the tangible and intangible legacies left by others, exploring the philosophies surrounding inheritance and what we pass on. Discussions may also focus on the practicalities and ethics of shared resources, from joint finances to collective debts, all while maintaining a view of how these elements can lead to personal transformation and growth. This transit encourages a broad-minded approach to managing taxes and debts, urging you to consider the bigger picture in these financial arenas. 
  • Gemini Rising: Mercury in Sagittarius could bring about direct and open discussions with partners or even competitors. Legal matters or negotiations might be approached with a sense of fairness and a desire for truth. Be careful with legal documents and ensure clear communication to avoid misunderstandings.
  • Cancer Rising: You might explore new approaches to your daily routine or health regime, or take on tasks that require you to learn on the job. Be mindful of overcommitment and maintain focus on the details of daily tasks.
  • Leo Rising: Mercury in your 5th house can inspire creative expression, particularly in writing or speaking. Romance might be filled with playful banter and a desire for intellectual stimulation. Remember to listen as much as you speak.
  • Virgo Rising: Expect discussions at home to be frank and philosophically oriented, possibly about belief systems or the pursuit of truth. Family dialogues might focus on broadening horizons or planning adventurous activities together. Ensure that you're not neglecting the feelings of family members in your quest for honesty.
  • Libra Rising: Mercury moving through the 3rd house inspires a quest for knowledge and a straightforward exchange of ideas in your everyday interactions. It's an excellent time for engaging in stimulating discussions with those who are close to you and for short travels that expand your mind. Be cautious of being too blunt in your communications.
  • Scorpio Rising: Your thoughts and discussions may revolve around finances, personal values, and material possessions. This period could spark new ideas for increasing your wealth or using your resources to pursue learning and growth. Take care to maintain attention to detail in financial matters.
  • Sagittarius Rising: Your thoughts and communications become expansive and reflect a desire for freedom and exploration. You might find yourself more outspoken and direct, with a penchant for expressing your beliefs candidly. Be aware of your words as they can shape your personal identity during this time.
  • Capricorn Rising: Your thought patterns may turn inward, seeking wisdom in solitude or through reflection. You may find yourself drawn to study hidden knowledge or explore your subconscious mind. Be careful to stay connected with reality and not to get lost in your inner explorations.
  • Aquarius Rising: Expect lively and expansive conversations within your social circles, from casual gatherings to more formal group affiliations. This period may inspire you to vocalize your hopes and contribute your ideas to collective projects, possibly leading to beneficial connections. Consider reaching out to your network for support in achieving your goals.
  • Pisces Rising: Expect your career-related communications to be imbued with vision and enthusiasm. This can be a time to speak up about your long-term goals and to share innovative ideas publicly. Ensure that your enthusiasm doesn’t lead you to make promises you can’t keep.

Ok, so everything I said above was true BUT it doesn’t really get going until tomorrow. As soon as Mercury enters Sagittarius he is immediately facing off with Saturn. 

Mercury in Sagittarius seeks to communicate broad ideas, perhaps with an idealistic or philosophical bent. However, Saturn in Pisces introduces a layer of depth, contemplation, and possibly even constraint, challenging one to balance expansive thoughts with practical reality. 

You’ll need to be more mindful of your words today. You may also find discussions or ideas are met with some resistance or the need for deeper reflection.

The energy today may show up as:

  • Philosophical Reflection
  • Challenged Optimism
  • A need to balance vision with reality
  • A tension between expansive vs. restrained communication


Saturday 11/11:

  • ☽ at 28° 07‘ Libra □ ♇ at 28° 07‘ Capricorn | 10:05 AM
  • ☽ ▻ Scorpio | 1:39 PM
  • ☽ at 00° 33‘ Scorpio △ ♄ at 00° 33‘ Pisces | 2:43 PM
  • ♂︎ at 21° 08‘ Scorpio ☍ ♅ at 21° 08‘ Taurus | 4:11 PM

Saturday is more on the intense side. There's a tension between deep, assertive desires and unexpected shifts or disruptions. 

This could manifest as sudden conflicts, unexpected events in relationships, or a strong desire to break free from constraints. It's a time of transformative action meeting revolutionary change, where your deeply rooted desires might be met with surprising turns.

PSA: Conflicts aren’t objectively bad. They’re often necessary for forward momentum.

The energy today may show up as:

  • Unexpected Challenges
  • Breakthroughs and Innovations
  • Transformative Tension

Sunday 11/12: 

  • ☽ at 09° 15‘ Scorpio ☍ ♃ at 09° 15‘ Taurus

Sunday is much more optimistic, which is nice because we have a New Moon tomorrow that is a doozy. People might be a little extra next week so try to create a nice solid foundation for yourself today.

Until next time, my wish for you is true love facilitated by direct communication. - Robin 💋

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