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Wicked Veracity Podcast Show Notes | Episode 102

astrology coaching podcast Oct 06, 2022
Wicked Veracity Podcast Episode102

3 Myths About Astrology that are Holding You Back

I know a lot of people who think astrology is interesting and perhaps even listen to podcasts or watch YouTube videos about the astrological weather but they aren’t really using astrology because they’re buying into three misconceptions. First, that astrology doesn’t really work or that it does work but only if you know how to do all of the things and doing that is really hard and not something they have time for. 

If any of those sound like you, I’m here to change your mind and empower you to start working with astrology daily. On your own😱

Astrology Myth # 1 | It Doesn’t Work

Let’s just get the great big elephant in the room out of the way first - thinking astrology can’t possibly work is obviously going to hold you back from leveraging it in your life.

I’m not here to convert any hardcore skeptics BUT I will say, I’ve never given *anyone* a reading who didn’t leave with their mind blown by what I could tell about them from looking at their chart. And I don’t just mean formal readings people pay me for - because tbf they paid me so they probably already believe it’s at least possible. I’m talking about random people I’ve met online, dudes I’ve been interested in on various dating platforms, and even teachers who have worked with my children. When I’m given an accurate birth chart, I prove it works over and over and over.

That happens because the astrology the muggles have been exposed to is kind of hit or miss because everyone is more than the sign their Sun happens to be in. 

So, I’m just going to assume if you’re listening to me you believe it works but maybe you think it only works to tell someone about their personality and predictive stuff can’t possibly be true. 

This is just a logic error ;) If it’s true that astrology can tell us about what goes on in your brain and about the general quality of time then it must also be true that it can tell us more specific things. The only problem is how accurately we humans are able to interpret the data. 

 Astrology Myth #2 | You Have to Know All the Things

That interpretation bit is where the next big myth comes in. People think you have to know how to interpret every.single.thing in a chart to be able to use it. 

This is no more true than the idea that you have to be able to write with the eloquence of Toni Morrison to use the English language. 

You can effectively use astrology at any level of mastery. Just look at babies using their language skills to effectively communicate something along the lines of,  “Those carrots shall not pass mine lips thou evilest of matriarchs.”

You don’t have to know all of the planets, houses, signs, aspects, and techniques to get a crazy amount of value from a personal astrological practice.   You can start by just working with the Moon, I promise.

Astrology Myth #3 | It’s Hard

Which brings us to the next myth - that’s only kind of a myth - which is that astrology is hard to learn. 

The basics of astrology aren’t hard to learn, just like the basics of any language aren’t hard to learn. The difference is your willingness to engage in a totally immersive learning experience.

Babies learn language quickly and easily (for the most part) because they are surrounded by it all of the freaking time. They aren’t just learning language for an hour a week on Tuesday night after they get finished with a long hard day of napping and chewing on their fingers.. 

You can learn how to work with astrology in a profound mind-blowing how is this real way IF you’re willing to immerse yourself in it and not just flirt with it a little. This is basically my take on most things if you’re curious. If you want something, be willing to put in the time and devotion needed to make it happen. Otherwise, just be a passive consumer of the thing. 

Don’t think that’s me being judgey. It’s not. It’s me being realistic. For example, I’d love to be a pastry chef but have zero interest in the actual work required to do that so I consume the awesome bakery pastries instead. Another example, I adore music and would love to be a professional musician and be surrounded by music all the time - but my willingness to put my bum in a chair and practice the violin for hours a day is non-existent so I have a good sound system, incredibly diverse music library, and attend concerts whenever possible. 

If you’re willing to work with the Moon daily, I promise you’ll learn the basics of astrology in a tangible way that will change your life.

How to Do the Thing

Hopefully, at this point, you believe me (at least a little) that astrology isn’t just for other people but it’s something you have the capacity to start doing for yourself and you’re wondering how to get started.

It’s simple. You just pay attention to what sign the Moon is in each day and how YOU feel and write that down so you begin to collect your own data. 

This is called experiential learning and if you do that for 2-3 months you’ll start seeing patterns in each of the signs. You’ll notice that in this sign you feel like doing things with people and in that sign you want everyone to stay far far FAR away. You’ll even learn the zodiacal order without even trying just from writing down the signs so often. 

Once you know that, you’ll be able to plan activities and meetings based on how you already know you’re likely to feel on a given day simply by knowing what sign the Moon will be in. 

That’s easy, right? I’ve even got a way for you to know where the Moon is at - You can buy my Digital Astrology Calendar there BUT you can also just look at the whole year for free on the website. Bookmark that bad boy and use it as often as you like ;)

Until next time, my wish for you is to have the path before you illuminated by moonlight.

Podcast Theme Music

LicenseRustic Ballad by Alexander Nakarada

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