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Wicked Veracity Podcast Show Notes | Episode 52

astrology coaching podcast Dec 09, 2021
Wicked Veracity Podcast Episode 52

The Secret of Kings

The thing about astrology that you probably don’t know is that it was once the exclusive territory of the most powerful people in the world. Astrology has only become widely available to the masses over the past hundred years, largely in part to the simplification of the discipline. It went from being physics to 2 + 2. That’s not an exaggeration and I’ll get into it a bit more momentarily. 

You see, once upon a time, you needed advanced math skills to even cast a chart as well as a deep understanding of astronomy. In order to work with even the basics of astrology, you’d need graduate-level training and then you’d have to go back and learn the interpretive part which is akin to earning a doctorate. Really understanding astrology is ridiculous and why most astrologers who study traditional techniques will tell you they’ll never stop learning. It’s too broad and complex and utterly mind-bending when you realize how much we are able to do now that was lost for a thousand years and how much further we have to go. I know. I nerd out a little. 

Okay, so back to the part you care about. Spending that much time and effort on a discipline meant that what they weren’t doing was finding food and shelter which means someone had to be willing to pay for their existence while they, as the astrologer nerd, did nerd things. The people who could pay astrologers to do that were in the royal court or merchants. 

Of course with phenomenal cosmic power (heyyyy Disney fans, I see you) comes the risk of angering the wrong person by telling them something they don’t want to know or getting an interpretation wrong. That generally meant death, exile, etc for the astrologer. So not only did you have to be ridiculously smart, you also had to be a mixture of crazy and courageous. 

Timing is Everything

The other really important reason that astrology was so exclusive is that it only works in that mind-bending, paradigm-shifting, Matrix kind of way with exact times. 

Think about this for a moment like a historian rather than with your modern sensibilities. Until VERY recently the concept of all people being equally important would have been laughed at. Some people still laugh at it. No one was writing down what time the slaves and peasants were being born because no one cared.

Want to know another recent innovation in the daily lives of the average person? Literacy. For example, some sources estimate that the literacy rate would’ve been less than 10 percent and only the wealthiest would’ve been given a formal education. 

Do you know why that is? Because knowledge always equals power. The more knowledge you have about history, politics, literature, philosophy, science, and obviously astrology, the more power you wield. Giving that away to just *everyone* was unthinkable. In many ways, it still is. But I won’t get started on public education or we’d be here all day. 

Okay, one more little history nerd tidbit. Records were kept by carving the information into stone. Not tapping it into a smart device or even picking up a pencil and some scrap paper. Nope. Chiseled. Into. Stone.

Are you starting to see why astrology was only available to the rich and powerful?

If you don’t know your exact birth time then astrology isn’t predictive, it's just generally informative about your personality. 

Don’t get me wrong. That’s what hooks everyone in the beginning and it’s interesting and useful in SO many ways. But it isn’t powerful. It won’t fundamentally change the way you view the world and your role in the world. 

And… if you were in a position of power would you really *want* the commoners to know they had as much or more potential as you and your family? Probably not. There’s an argument to be made there about why the church outlawed astrology. It’s not the primary one mind you, that would be the fate and free will issue but… if a chart can show a person who will have a significant relationship with God and that person is a female and your religious structure is based on male dominance….it can be problematic. 

Speaking of females, I said this was the secret of kings for a reason. Astrology has always been a male-dominated field. The ancient texts delineate differently for male and female charts because obviously females had different roles to play. Historical context is nifty. 

Claim Your Crown

The cool thing about all of those ancient techniques being rediscovered and taught is that we get to bring our modern sensibilities to the table when we use them. We can see the underlying principles and apply them to people regardless of socioeconomic status or gender. 

You can have the secret of kings at your disposal to find your purpose, when to declare war, who to ally with, when to negotiate a peace treaty, and who to marry to expand the kingdom. 

Or other fun things like when to launch a new offering, how to niche down, what to offer, the best time for a smoking hot photoshoot, how to structure your time on a daily and yearly basis, what you need to focus on at any given moment, how to brand yourself and so much more. 

But only if you have your exact birth time because astrology still works the same way as it always has. 

If you’re curious about what astrology can tell you about you, your life, and your business you can book a consultation with me at

Since you’ve made it this far, I’m going to tell you a secret. I believe that if you’re going to work with me, be influenced by my work, or have a personal connection with me, it’s already shown in your chart or my chart. I think starting this podcast was always going to happen even though I couldn’t have imagined it five years ago. I think you were always going to find me because so many people have found their way to me over the years that should never have crossed my path. Astrology has made it so much easier to accept all of the moments that have led me here and it will continue to make each of the moments I have left that much easier to accept, embrace, and enjoy. I find so much peace every time I see myself reflected back to me from the universe and I want that for everyone listening, those who are too afraid to listen, and those who just aren’t listening yet. That’s why I put myself out there and why I do forecasts every week even though they’re only scratching the surface of what astrology can do - because I know the freedom that can be found in even a glimmer of hope that we are connected to something beyond ourselves.

So tell me... 

How much does it freak you out that the placement of the stars in relationship to the time and location of your birth can tell you anything at all? What would it mean to your personal worldview if you really, truly, deeply believed that your entire life can be seen in the movement of the planets? Idk about you but the more I learn the more excited and curious it makes me.

Spend time with these questions and see what comes up. If you’re feeling frisky, hit me up on Instagram and share your answers with me.

Until next time, my wish for you is the certainty that who you are in this moment is exactly who you were always meant to be.

Podcast Theme Music

LicenseRustic Ballad by Alexander Nakarada

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