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[Fate & Free Will ] Astrology for the Week of May 15 - 21

astrology May 15, 2023

[Fate & Free Will ]

Astrology for the Week of May 15 - 21

Mercury just turned direct a few hours ago, so the shenanigans aren’t completely over with but this is the beginning of infinitely better astro-weather that will continue to get sunnier and brighter all the way through the end of the week. Are there challenges? Sure, a few. But the light at the end of the tunnel is made up of fireworks.

Monday 5/15: 

  • ☽ β–» Aries | 3:55 AM
  • ☽ at 00° 19‘ Aries ✳ ♇ at 00° 19‘ Aquarius | 4:28 AM
  • β™‚οΈŽ at 27° 07‘ Cancer β–³ ♆ at 27° 07‘ Pisces  | 9:44 AM
  • ☽ at 09° 05‘ Aries β–‘ β™€οΈŽ at 09° 05‘ Cancer | 7:41 PM
  • 🌘 Waning Crescent Moon | 9:10 PM
    • ☽ at 09° 56‘ Aries β˜‰ at 24° 56‘ Taurus 

Monday is likely to be more emo than the rest of the week. Not necessarily in a ‘negative’ way. Weddings, proposals, poetry, music, and art can all evoke strong emotion.

For more than a month the assertive and impulsive qualities of Mars have been expressed through the emotional (or emo) and often nurturing (or smothering) qualities of Cancer. This is generally how assertive tendencies have been showing up.

Neptune in Pisces is mystical, spiritual, dreamy, and sometimes a little delusional. Together they (if they’re behaving really well and you’re managing your mind) encourage us to embrace our emotional and spiritual depths, while also remaining grounded and focused on our practical goals. The best use of this energy requires the balancing of intuition and creativity with a sense of responsibility and discipline.

Tuesday 5/16:

  •  β™ƒ β–» Taurus | 1:20 PM

Jupiter in Taurus is the main event of the year for all Taurus placements. Don’t worry if you don’t have any planets in Taurus, you still have a whole area of life that will be affected by this transit - for an entire year. It’s the HGTV renovation after the demolition of the eclipses that began at the end of 2021.

Jupiter will be bringing abundance and growth to this area of your chart. To maximize this energy, cultivate a sense of practicality and groundedness, focus on building a solid foundation for long-term success, and actively work to develop skills and talents in this area. 

While it is mostly sunshine and rainbows, it’s important to note that the influence of Jupiter can lead to excess so be mindful of the potential for overindulgence and overspending. If you also focus on practicality, discipline, and gratitude, that growth is more likely to be sustainable and manageable. 

By rising sign, the area of life getting a major glow-up:

  • Aries Rising: Money, possessions, resources, and how you make a living
  • Taurus Rising: Self-awareness, your identity, appearance, personality, the way you view yourself, your character, your primary motivation, your body, your health, and vitality
  • Gemini Rising: Mental health, the subconscious, ways you self sabotage, the ways you isolate yourself, hidden enemies, transcendence, and spiritual liberation
  • Cancer Rising: Friends with influence, alliances, your hopes and dreams, social media, personal and professional networks, unions, mentors, and that which supports you
  • Leo Rising: Your reputation, profession, actions, relationship with and to authority, your mother and her family, your destiny, and your ambitions
  • Virgo Rising: Higher education, divination, foreign travel, religion, astrology, the divine masculine, and your ability to grow, adapt, and learn
  • Libra Rising: Investment, other people’s money, debt, topics concerning death, psychology, taxes, fears, transformation, and the occult
  • Scorpio Rising: Committed relationships, contracts, business partners, and other contractual relationships, and open enemies
  • Sagittarius Rising: Physical health, illness, coworkers, your job, pets, self-improvement, and the things you feel obligated to 
  • Capricorn Rising: Children, pleasure, romance, dating, sexuality, the things you desire,  the creative arts, love affairs, the ways in which you are entertained, close friends, and lovers 
  • Aquarius Rising: Home, family, home life, land, ancestors, private self, your emotional foundation, gains from hidden sources, your father, and your father’s family
  • Pisces Rising: Communication, divination, short-distance travel, your neighborhood, writing, your immediate environment, the divine feminine, siblings, and cousins

Wednesday 5/17:

  • ☽ at 28° 08‘ Aries β–‘ β™‚οΈŽ at 28° 08‘ Cancer | 5:09 AM
  • ☽ β–» Taurus | 8:27 AM
  • ☽ ☌ ♃ at 00° 11‘ Taurus | 8:47 AM 
  • ☽ at 00° 18‘ Taurus β–‘ ♇ at 00° 18‘ Aquarius | 9:00 AM
  • ☽ ☌ ☿ at 06° 09‘ Taurus | 7:26 PM
  • ☽ at 06° 26‘ Taurus ✳ β™„ at 06° 26‘ Pisces | 7:57 PM
  • ♃ at 00° 18‘ Taurus β–‘ ♇ at 00° 18‘ Aquarius | 9:09 PM

The morning starts off intense but if you can make it to 8:27 am Eastern, you’re golden. It’s an optimistic day that is perfect for sharing ideas and making (or receiving) offers of assistance.

Ready for a little history lesson? On December 21, 2020, Saturn and Jupiter met at 00° 29‘ Aquarius in what is known as a Great Conjunction. It was a *BFD* for sooooo many reasons. 

First, these two planets only meet once every 20 years and like all cycles, it’s setting a tone. It’s putting an emphasis personally on that area of your chart but wait…it gets bigger and better. This was one of only nine conjunctions to occur in Aquarius in the last 2,000 years *and* it was the closest conjunction of the two planets in 1623. It’s also the conjunction that brought in the Renaissance and…. I’m going to stop myself before I go full history nerd. But if you want to fall down a rabbit hole, “great conjunction + history” is a fun one.

Back to why this matters for you. Something around the end of 2020 or the start of 2021 began and now it’s up for review in a significant way. Pluto, the Lord of Transformation, has been standing there for the last couple of months helping you identify what you’ve learned since then and now Jupiter is going to be asking how much bigger you can dream. 

The growth that is going to be happening in Taurus could be challenging for that Aquarius dream or it could be an opportunity to imagine a new reality for both areas of life.

Thursday 5/18:

  •  β˜‰ at 27° 11‘ Taurus ✳ ♆ at 27° 11‘ Pisces | 4:59 AM
  • ☽ at 11° 38‘ Taurus ✳ β™€οΈŽ at 11° 38‘ Cancer | 5:18 AM
  • ☽ ☌ β™… at 19° 27‘ Taurus | 7:28 PM

Thursday is nice and productive but a few surprises could pop up. A growth mindset and resiliency can go a long way to making those surprises work for you.

Friday 5/19:

  •  β˜Ώ at 06° 30‘ Taurus ✳ β™„ at 06° 30‘ Pisces | 2:39 AM 
  • ☽ at 27° 12‘ Taurus ✳ ♆ at 27° 12‘ Pisces | 9:39 AM
  • Taurus πŸŒ‘ New Moon | 11:53 AM 
    • ☽ at 28° 25‘ Taurus ☌ β˜‰ at 28° 25‘ Taurus 
  • ☽ at 29° 29‘ Taurus ✳ β™‚οΈŽ at 29° 29‘ Cancer | 1:50 PM
  • ☽ β–» Gemini | 2:47 PM
  • ☽ at 00° 17‘ Gemini β–³ ♇ at 00° 17‘ Aquarius | 3:19 PM

Think of this Taurus New Moon as your signal to GO. Mercury retrograde is over, Jupiter has arrived, the Moon is exalted, the eclipse portal is firmly closed, and the Sun and Moon are away from Uranus.

This is the delightful, lovely, adorable, delicious, sensual, earthy, magical, decadent new beginning you’ve been waiting for. What are you going to initiate?

Saturday 5/20:

  •  β˜½ at 06° 33‘ Gemini β–‘ β™„ at 06° 33‘ Pisces | 2:57 AM
  • β™‚οΈŽ β–» Leo | 11:31 AM
  • β™‚οΈŽ at 00° 16‘ Leo ☍ ♇ at 00° 16‘ Aquarius  | 11:11 PM

On Saturday Mars enters Leo and immediately faces off against Pluto. This will dominate most of the day. I’ve been over Pluto in Aquarius extensively and now it’s time to think of the polarity between your Leo and Aquarius houses. There is a give and take when two houses oppose each other.

I’ve been over Pluto in Aquarius extensively and now it’s time to think of the polarity between your Leo and Aquarius houses. There is a give and take when two houses oppose each other.

Pay attention to how today feels especially because it is likely to highlight how challenging balance in these two areas can be. The influence of Mars may fuel a desire for attention and recognition in the Leo part of your life, but this may be met with resistance and opposition from Pluto's influence triggering a desire for change and transformation in the Aquarius part of your life.

Be mindful of the potential for conflicts and power struggles and avoid becoming overly aggressive or domineering (especially in your Leo house to the detriment of your Aquarius house.

Now let’s talk about the longer-term impact of Mars in Leo.

I love Mars in Leo, granted it is my natal placement and I’m a teensy bit biased but how do you not fall in love with the fierce predatory skills of a lioness chasing down a gazelle or the casual majesty of a lion yawning on a rock under the noon Sun. I mean, come ON. It’s a Mars that’ll make you purr and roar and all of the things and luckily for you, you get access to that vibe until July 10. What will you do with all of that power?

Mars in Leo is a prideful little kitty so it is time to cultivate a sense of active self-confidence in this area of your life but also in your approach to taking action. Just be wary of becoming overly confident or power-hungry (think Scar in The Lion King although tbf I love him too). 

The downside of Mars in Leo is that the energy can make people aggressive (I prefer confident) and domineering (or decisive) all of which can lead to power struggles and other types of conflict sooo play nice with the other kitties.

Mars in Leo is the first taste of this house getting massive activation over the next six months. What do you want to start taking action on? How does the most powerful version of yourself show up in this area of your life?

By rising sign, the area that is currently fired up to do all the things is:

  • Aries Rising: Children, pleasure, romance, dating, sexuality, the things you desire,  the creative arts, love affairs, the ways in which you are entertained, close friends, and lovers 
  • Taurus Rising: Home, family, home life, land, ancestors, private self, your emotional foundation, gains from hidden sources, your father, and your father’s family
  • Gemini Rising: Communication, divination, short-distance travel, your neighborhood, writing, your immediate environment, the divine feminine, siblings, and cousins
  • Cancer Rising: Money, possessions, resources, and how you make a living
  • Leo Rising: Self-awareness, your identity, appearance, personality, the way you view yourself, your character, your primary motivation, your body, your health, and vitality
  • Virgo Rising: Mental health, the subconscious, ways you self sabotage, the ways you isolate yourself, hidden enemies, transcendence, and spiritual liberation
  • Libra Rising: Friends with influence, alliances, your hopes and dreams, social media, personal and professional networks, unions, mentors, and that which supports you
  • Scorpio Rising: Your reputation, profession, actions, relationship with and to authority, your mother and her family, your destiny, and your ambitions
  • Sagittarius Rising: Higher education, divination, foreign travel, religion, astrology, the divine masculine, and your ability to grow, adapt, and learn
  • Capricorn Rising: Investment, other people’s money, debt, topics concerning death, psychology, taxes, fears, transformation, and the occult
  • Aquarius Rising: Committed relationships, contracts, business partners, and other contractual relationships, and open enemies
  • Pisces Rising: Physical health, illness, coworkers, your job, pets, self-improvement, and the things you feel obligated to 

Sunday 5/21: 

  • β˜‰ β–» Gemini | 3:09 AM
  • β˜‰ at 00° 16‘ Gemini β–³ ♇ at 00° 16‘ Aquarius | 9:58 AM
  • ☽ at 27° 15‘ Gemini β–‘ ♆ at 27° 15‘ Pisces | 6:11 PM
  • ☽ β–» Cancer | 11:28 PM

The Sun entering Gemini shines a spotlight on this area of your life and it is where much of your conscious attention will be over the next month. 

Venus was hanging out here for several weeks giving you a peek at what you want here and now the Sun is swooping in to help you focus your attention and move forward.

By rising sign the area where a lot of your conscious attention will be focused::

  • Aries Rising: Communication, divination, short-distance travel, your neighborhood, writing, your immediate environment, the divine feminine, siblings, and cousins
  • Taurus Rising: Money, possessions, resources, and how you make a living
  • Gemini Rising: Self-awareness, your identity, appearance, personality, the way you view yourself, your character, your primary motivation, your body, your health, and vitality
  • Cancer Rising: Mental health, the subconscious, ways you self sabotage, the ways you isolate yourself, hidden enemies, transcendence, and spiritual liberation
  • Leo Rising: Friends with influence, alliances, your hopes and dreams, social media, personal and professional networks, unions, mentors, and that which supports you
  • Virgo Rising: Your reputation, profession, actions, relationship with and to authority, your mother and her family, your destiny, and your ambitions
  • Libra Rising: Higher education, divination, foreign travel, religion, astrology, the divine masculine, and your ability to grow, adapt, and learn
  • Scorpio Rising: Investment, other people’s money, debt, topics concerning death, psychology, taxes, fears, transformation, and the occult
  • Sagittarius Rising: Committed relationships, contracts, business partners, and other contractual relationships, and open enemies
  • Capricorn Rising: Physical health, illness, coworkers, your job, pets, self-improvement, and the things you feel obligated to 
  • Aquarius Rising: Children, pleasure, romance, dating, sexuality, the things you desire,  the creative arts, love affairs, the ways in which you are entertained, close friends, and lovers 
  • Pisces Rising: Home, family, home life, land, ancestors, private self, your emotional foundation, gains from hidden sources, your father, and your father’s family

If you’re feeling frisky, hit me up on Instagram and let me know how the astrology of the week played out for you.

Until next time, my wish for you is a magical new beginning that exceeds all of your expectations.


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LicenseRustic Ballad by Alexander Nakarada

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