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Wicked Veracity Podcast Show Notes | Episode 45

coaching podcast Nov 11, 2021
Wicked Veracity Podcast Episode 45

Cult of Personal Responsibility

I sometimes (by which I mean all the time) have people (by which I mean literally all of the people who find out I’m a life coach) ask me if life coaching is a cult. 

They don’t ask me that about the occult science I work with, which is astrology, or my magical practice. The cult question is always in regards to my work as a life coach. 

So I’d like to take a brief moment to address this interesting question for all of you who may be wondering the same thing.

Is the life coaching industry a cult?

Yes. Yes, it is. It’s a cult of personal responsibility. I know the title kind of gave away my thoughts on the matter but don’t worry, I have more to say :)

But first, it’s important to define our terms. When I talk about life coaching or life coaches, I’m specifically talking about my tradition of life coaching which is derived from the work of Brooke Castillo and her work at The Life Coach School. I’m not referencing the practices of any other coaching discipline. I’m only talking about my own little cult, someone from one of the other cults will have to speak up for them. I’m not even opposed to any of the other coaching philosophies, I simply don’t know enough about them to have an opinion. Alrighty.

Life coaches are modern day philosophers. We make philosophical thought easier to understand and apply to daily life. Specifically, I see a lot of parallels with life coaching and Stoicism - of which I’m a total fangirl. 

The thing about philosophers, witches, and all of the other heretics out there is - they tend to think for themselves instead of following along like good little sheep and thinking what they’re told to think by people in positions of authority.

Let’s dissect.

As a life coach, if you work with me (or to be fair if you’re my friend, a random date from Bumble, my child, my ex, the checkout clerk at the grocery store) and we discuss a circumstance in your life - I’m going to talk about your thoughts about that circumstance rather than the circumstance itself or your feelings about it.

Why? Because everything that follows the circumstance occurring is your responsibility. It’s on you how you think about it, what feelings you create, the actions you take, and the results you get. The circumstance is neutral and just sitting there circumstancing. 

I’ve been over this in other podcasts so I’m not going to drill down into it again just now, but the point is - everything ultimately becomes your responsibility.

Is it your fault that a non-preferred circumstance happened? Of course not. I don’t even Law of Attraction like that. I’m not saying you caused your cancer, abuse, or car jacking. What I am saying is everything after the point at which the circumstance occurs - you can take personal responsibility for.

And that, my darling, is the secret to being the most powerful heretic of them all.

When you realize that you had the magic all along, you’ll start to blow your mind at what you’re able to accomplish.

So yeah, it’s a cult - if by cult you mean revolutionary and totally free way of looking at the world that has been utilized in one form or another for thousands of years by some of the most brilliant minds to be documented in recorded history.  I’m a recruiter. Wanna join? 

So tell me... 

Have you wondered if the life coaching industry is a cult? Am I a future cult leader? Do you wanna get cookies for joining the dark side? Is there a downside to taking personal responsibility for yourself?

Spend time with these questions and see what comes up. If you’re feeling frisky, hit me up on Instagram and share your answers with me.

Until next time, my wish for you is the realization that you have indeed had the magic within you all along.

Podcast Theme Music

LicenseRustic Ballad by Alexander Nakarada

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