Wicked Veracity Podcast Show Notes | Episode 41
Oct 17, 2021
[Fate & Free Will]
Astrology for the Week of October 18 - October 24
Before we get started, I want to mention that all times I’m going to discuss are in the central time zone. If you want to see the aspects discussed in the forecast on your digital calendar in your time zone, you can get that here.
I’m about to talk a LOT about Libra and Aquarius with some Aries thrown in for good measure. Since I know a lot of you wonder how it applies to your life specifically, I’m going to give you a run-down by rising sign. If you don’t know your rising sign, listen to your Sun sign - but that won’t be as accurate.
- Aries Rising:
- Libra is the 7th house of 1-1 relationships and open enemies
- Aquarius is the 11th house of hopes, wishes, networks
- Taurus Rising:
- Libra is in the 6th house of obligations, servants, your daily work
- Aquarius is in the 10th house of public image, reputation, your calling
- Gemini Rising:
- Libra is in the 5th house of desires, children, lovers, romance, sex
- Aquarius is in the 9th house of higher education, philosophy, astrology, religion
- Cancer Rising:
- Libra is in the 4th house of ancestors, family you came from, homeland
- Aquarius is in the 8th house of death, taxes, other people’s money, psychology, surgery
- Leo Rising:
- Libra is in the 3rd in the house of communication, siblings, neighbors, daily routines
- Aquarius is in the 7th house of 1-1 relationships and open enemies
- Virgo Rising:
- Libra is in the 2nd house of what you value, how you earn money, how you value yourself
- Aquarius is in the 6th house of obligations, servants, your daily work
- Libra Rising:
- Libra is in the 1st house of self, appearance, and body
- Aquarius is in the 5th house of desires, children, lovers, romance, sex
- Scorpio Rising
- Libra is in the 12th house of hidden enemies, seclusion, retreats
- Aquarius is in the 4th house of ancestors, family you came from, homeland
- Sagittarius Rising:
- Libra is in the 11th house of hopes, wishes, networks
- Aquarius is in the 3rd house of communication, siblings, neighbors, daily routines
- Capricorn Rising:
- Libra is in the 10th house of public image, reputation, your calling
- Aquarius is in the 2nd house of what you value, how you earn money, how you value yourself
- Aquarius Rising:
- Libra is in the 9th house of higher education, philosophy, astrology, religion
- Aquarius is in the 1st house of self, appearance, and body
- Pisces Rising:
- Libra is in the 8th house of death, taxes, other people’s money, psychology surgery
- Aquarius is in the 12th house of hidden enemies, seclusion, retreat
- β β» Direct at 22° 19‘ Aquarius | 12:30 PM
- β½ β» Aries | 5:04 AM
- βΏ β» Direct at 10° 07‘ Libra | 10:16 AM
- β½ at 06° 55‘ Aries β³ β at 06° 55‘ Aquarius | 6:14 PM
- βοΈ at 22° 19‘ Libra β³ β at 22° 19‘ Aquarius | 9:36 PM
Monday starts the week off right with Jupiter stationing to go direct in Aquarius. If you started the year really optimistic in some area of your life only to feel like around the end of May there was a full stop on forward progress, I’m here to tell you that the last planet you were waiting on to start barreling forward again, is ready to GO.
I can’t even with how excited I am about this.
It happens on the same day that Mercury also turns direct in Libra and the Moon GTFO of Pisces. Most people like the Moon in Pisces, but it’s not one of my favorite placements, especially since Neptune turned it into even more of an ungrounded fantasy land. But that’s a personal preference and there are a lot of people who aren’t crazy about the Moon in Aries, sooooo take that as you will.
Back to Mercury. If you have a stacked Libra house or Mercury has a special place in your life, this Mercury retrograde may have hit extra hard. Regardless, in some area of your life, you’ve probably been reviewing the way you do things or how you interact with people and ideas. Now that you’ve gained a little more clarity, you’ll get to look over it all again with fresh eyes and walk into November with some currently unfinished business all neatly wrapped up.
Speaking of Libra and Aquarius. At 9:36 pm, Mars trines Jupiter. This is a generally positive aspect and it’s sort of like the Jupiter ship getting a movement nudge by a Mars tugboat. While it took Saturn and Pluto a little while to really get moving, this push by Mars makes Jupiter’s transition a little more powerful. Look for your Libra topics to be giving your Aquarius issues a little nudge forward.
I’ve already got plans to put this energy to good manifestation use from now until the Full moon on Wednesday, but more on that later.
- β½ at 10° 09‘ Aries β βΏ at 10° 09‘ Libra | 12:25 AM
- β½ at 12° 52‘ Aries β³ βοΈ at 12° 52‘ Sagittarius | 5:39 AM
- β½ at 22° 20‘ Aries β³ β at 22° 20‘ Aquarius | 11:58 PM
Tuesday, the Moon in Aries is carrying the torch forward with aspects to Mercury in Libra and Jupiter in Aquarius. Since the Moon is almost full, it seems to indicate that your Aries house will have something to do with the forward momentum that was just initiated in your Libra and Aquarius house.
- β½ at 23° 06‘ Aries β βοΈ at 23° 06‘ Libra | 1:28 AM
- β½ at 24° 21‘ Aries β‘ β at 24° 21‘ Capricorn | 3:55 AM
- Aries π Full Moon | 9:56 AM
- β½ at 27° 26‘ Aries β at 27° 26‘ Libra
- β½ β» Taurus | 2:59 PM
Wednesday is the Full Moon in Aries and it’s happening with Mars and Pluto in the mix. I’ll explain more about what that means when we get to Thursday, just know that before the exact moment of the Full Moon, the moon itself will be opposing Mars before squaring Pluto so everything I tell you about Thursday applies for Wednesday too - but on steroids because of the rising power of the Moon.
Typically, a full moon indicates an ending or a culmination, but that doesn’t mean divorce or death. It could mean a promotion, moving to a new home, taking your relationship to the next phase, booking a meditation retreat, or any number of other positive culminations. How it shows up for you, and if you really notice it beyond the sky being extra pretty, really depends on what it’s hitting in your chart, your time lord of the year, and SO many other things. I highly recommend working with an astrologer to really nail down which transits (like full moons) are likely to be extra important for you.
Alright. Let’s get into what area of your life the Moon is lighting up.
- Aries Rising:
- Aries is the 1st house of self, appearance, and body
- Taurus Rising:
- Aries is in the 12th house of hidden enemies, seclusion, retreats
- Gemini Rising:
- Aries is in the 11th house of hopes, wishes, networks
- Cancer Rising:
- Aries is in the 10th house of public image, reputation, your calling
- Leo Rising:
- Aries is in the 9th house of higher education, philosophy, astrology, religion
- Virgo Rising:
- Aries is in the 8th house of death, taxes, other people’s money, psychology surgery
- Libra Rising:
- Aries is in the 7th house of 1-1 relationships and open enemies
- Scorpio Rising
- Aries is in the 6th house of obligations, servants, your daily work
- Sagittarius Rising:
- Aries is in the 5th house of desires, children, lovers, romance, sex
- Capricorn Rising:
- Aries is in the 4th house of ancestors, family you came from, homeland
- Aquarius Rising:
- Aries is in the 3rd house of communication, siblings, neighbors, daily routines
- Pisces Rising:
- Aries is in the 2nd house of what you value, how you earn money, how you value yourself
- β½ at 06° 58‘ Taurus β‘ β at 06° 58‘ Aquarius | 4:44 AM
- β½ β β at 13° 21‘ Taurus | 5:27 PM
- βοΈ at 24° 22‘ Libra β‘ β at 24° 22‘ Capricorn | 11:19 PM
I’d like to say this is a quiet day after the build-up to the Full Moon but you might have some unexpected issues come up at some point. However, since most of the activity is in your Taurus house, it likely won’t be focused in the same areas of life, which may make it easier to stay neutral and maintain focus.
However, ::insert ominous music:: the night ends at 11:19 pm with Mars squaring Pluto. That’s a whole lot of volatility and strong feelings that will be floating around all day. That could look like passion or it could look like anger depending on you and where it is in your chart but today would be a good day to remember that just because you feel *really* strongly about someone or something doesn’t make those feelings true. Take the time to really figure out what thoughts are driving the compulsive urges so you can constructively put the energy to good use. While you don’t have to avoid compulsivity or obsession, it is my recommendation to try.
- β½ at 20° 49‘ Taurus β³ β at 20° 49‘ Pisces | 8:26 AM
- β½ at 22° 21‘ Taurus β‘ β at 22° 21‘ Aquarius | 11:31 AM
- β½ V/C | 3:35 PM (Friday) - 2:57 AM (Saturday)
- β½ at 24° 22‘ Taurus β³ β at 24° 22‘ Capricorn | 3:35
- β β» Scorpio | 11:51 PM
There are two important things to keep in mind about Friday. The first is that the Moon is void from 3:35 pm Friday till nearly 3 am Saturday which could look like canceled or delayed plans. Try to remain flexible and have backup plans for your dinner reservations falling through or your Tinder date ghosting.
The second is that at 11:51 pm, the Sun slides into Scorpio, marking the start of the season. Woohoo! Break out the black and red leather and let the games begin. It’s time for a little mischief before the wholesomeness of Jupiter’s Sagittarius and Saturn’s dark nights begin. It’s possible I’m a little biased as a Scorpio sun, but it never hurt anyone to get a little dark and twisty from time to time. That last bit is a riff on a Grey’s anatomy quote delivered by another Scorpio ;)
- β½ β» Gemini | 2:53 AM
- β½ at 07° 01‘ Gemini β³ β at 07° 01‘ Aquarius | 5:11 PM
Saturday is a lovely day for all the things. The Moon is in Gemini, where it likes to communicate, and the only aspect is to Saturn in Aquarius giving you the endurance to have hard conversations, get started on a new project, or make progress on something you’ve been working on.
- β½ at 12° 57‘ Gemini β³ βΏ at 12° 57‘ Libra | 5:16 AM
- π Waning Gibbous Moon | 12:33 PM
- β½ at 18° 33‘ Gemini β βοΈ at 18° 33‘ Sagittarius | 4:42 PM
- β½ at 20° 46‘ Gemini β‘ β at 20° 46‘ Pisces | 9:13 PM
Sunday is more of the same during the day before the night turns more towards a potentially challenging romantic encounter or feeling a little emotionally off. Or it could be a really romantic, if highly unrealistic, evening. I vote for snuggling up to watch a romcom or read a romance novel.
If you’re feeling frisky, hit me up on Instagram and let me know how the astrology of the week played out for you.
Until next time, my wish for you is forward progress in areas of your life that have felt stagnant and the willingness to be a little mischievous this Scorpio season.
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