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[Fate & Free Will ] Astrology for the Week of March 18-24

horoscope Mar 18, 2024
[Fate & Free Will ] Astrology for the Week of March 18-24

All eyes are on the upcoming Libra eclipse, but that doesn't happen until next Monday.

Before then we have to other major shifts to contend with; the Sun moving into Aries and Mars moving into Pisces.

Monday 03/18

  • ☽ at 12° 00‘ Cancer △ ♄ at 12° 00‘ Pisces  | 4:29 am eastern
  • ☽ at 14° 34‘ Cancer ✳ ♃  at 14° 34‘ Taurus | 9:24 am eastern
  • ☽ at 15° 07‘ Cancer □ ☿ at 15° 07‘  Aries | 10:28 am eastern
  • ☽ at 20° 12‘ Cancer ✳ ♅ at 20° 12‘ Taurus | 8:20 pm eastern

Monday is great for being practical and thinking about the future, offering a good chance to sort out what you need to feel stable and secure. It's a solid day for taking care of business and exploring new ideas that can bring positive changes. 

However, there might be some moments where it's tricky to communicate clearly. Quick decisions or speaking without thinking might lead to misunderstandings. 

Take a moment to think before responding instead of just reacting. This can go a long way towards smoothing out any potentially rough edges in conversations.

Tuesday 03/19

  • ☽ at 27° 26‘ Cancer △ ♆ at 27° 26‘ Pisces | 10:29 am eastern
  • ☽ at 29° 39‘ Cancer △ ☉ at 29° 39‘ Pisces | 2:52 am eastern
  • ☽ V/C | 2:52 pm eastern - 3:32 pm eastern
  • ☽ ▻ Leo | 3:32 pm eastern
  • ☽ at 01° 39‘ Leo ☍ ♇  at 01° 39‘ Aquarius | 6:49 pm eastern
  • ☉ ▻ Aries | 11:06 pm eastern 

Tuesday there is a focus on emotional understanding and meaningful connections. It's a good day for reflecting on your feelings and sharing them with others in a way that facilitates closeness and trust. You'll probably find it easier to tap into your intuition, which can guide you in making decisions that align with your true self.

However, once the Moon moves into Leo at 3:32 pm eastern, you might face some challenges when it comes to dealing with change or external pressures. Situations may arise that test your ability to stay true to your core beliefs and maintain your focus on what matters most to you.

When faced with opposition, remember the importance of standing firm in your values while being open to understanding different perspectives. Try to balance your personal needs with the demands of those around you. 

At 11:06 pm eastern the Sun moves into Aries.

As the Sun enters Aries, a sign where it is exalted, it marks a period of renewed energy, assertiveness, and the initiation of new beginnings. This transit is characterized by an increase in confidence, the urge to take the lead, and a heightened desire for personal achievement. The Sun's presence in Aries amplifies the qualities of determination, courage, and enthusiasm for life.

On the positive side, this is an excellent time for starting new projects and taking bold steps forward. Your natural leadership qualities are highlighted, making it easier to assert yourself and make significant progress towards your goals. Additionally, the energy of Aries encourages you to embrace your independence, allowing for greater self-reliance and the courage to break new ground.

However, the exalted Sun in Aries can also present challenges. The increased drive for action can sometimes lead to impulsiveness, resulting in hasty decisions without fully considering the consequences. There's also a potential for ego clashes and conflicts, as the desire to lead can become competitive or confrontational in situations that require cooperation and patience. Furthermore, the intense focus on personal goals might lead to overlooking the needs and perspectives of others, potentially straining relationships.

If you’re interested in learning where this will play out for you based on your rising sign, you can find that in my Astrology Updates.

Wednesday 03/20

  • ☽ at 15° 04‘ Leo □ ♃ at 15° 04‘ Taurus | 9:34 pm eastern
  • 🌔 Waxing Gibbous | 11:27 pm eastern

Wednesday you might feel torn between wanting to do something big and flashy and sticking to what's safe and reliable. 

For example, you might be tempted to splurge on a luxury item that catches your eye, but you know it's smarter to save your money for something more practical. Or you could be eager to showcase a talent in a big way, but you're also aware of the need to keep things grounded and not go overboard. 

The key here is to find a middle path. Maybe you can set aside part of your budget for that special purchase without dipping into savings, or find a way to express your talents that doesn't risk your current stability. 

It's about making choices that allow for excitement and personal expression without losing sight of practical matters.

Thursday 03/21

  • ☽ at 19° 14‘ Leo △ ☿ at 19° 14‘ Aries | 5:56 am eastern
  • ☽ at 20° 18‘ Leo □ ♅  at 20° 18‘ Taurus | 8:06 am eastern
  • ☉ at 01° 41‘ Aries ✳ ♇ at 01° 41‘ Aquarius | 4:02 pm eastern
  • ♀︎  ☌ ♄ at 12° 26‘ Pisces | 7:09 pm eastern

Thursday there are opportunities for effective communication and unexpected challenges that could test your flexibility. The connection between your feelings and how you express them is strong, making it a good day for any tasks that require creativity or passion. You might find it easier to persuade others or convey your ideas compellingly.

However, be prepared for some surprises, especially in plans or projects you thought were stable. Changes might come up suddenly, requiring quick thinking and adaptability. It's not the day to dig your heels in; instead, see how you can use these changes to your advantage.

In the background, there's a focus on responsibilities, especially related to relationships or finances. You might need to deal with some serious topics, making decisions that could have long-term implications. It's a good time to be thoughtful and considerate, taking into account both the present and future impacts of your choices.

Overall, balance is key today. Use your ability to communicate effectively to navigate through any surprises, and don't shy away from the heavier decisions that might come up. 

Friday 03/22

  • ☽ at 29° 26‘ Leo ☍ ♂︎  at 29° 26‘ Aquarius | 2:33 am eastern
  • ☽ V/C | 2:33 pm eastern - 3:41 am eastern
  • ☽ ▻ Virgo | 3:41 am eastern
  • ♂︎ ▻ Pisces | 7:47 pm eastern

Friday the Moon moves into Virgo at 3:41 am eastern helping to bring the energy down to a more grounded level, at least for a few days and giving everyone time to get their little ducks in an organized row before the upcoming Libra Full Moon eclipse.

Speaking of things that promote a slightly more chill vibe (at least for a little while) Mars moves into Pisces at 7:47 pm eastern.

Mars in Pisces blends the assertive energy of Mars with the fluid, adaptable qualities of Pisces. On the positive side, this placement encourages actions driven by intuition and compassion. It's excellent for pursuits requiring creativity and imagination, such as artistic projects or helping others. This placement can inspire you to fight for causes you're emotionally connected to, using your energy to support or heal.

However, the challenge with Mars in Pisces lies in its potential for indecision or a lack of direction. The drive of Mars can be diluted in the boundless waters of Pisces, leading to procrastination or a tendency to avoid confrontation and difficult tasks. It may also manifest as a sense of lethargy when it comes to practical, mundane tasks, as the focus is more on what feels good rather than what needs to be done.

The key to making the most of Mars in Pisces is to channel its energy into positive outlets that allow for emotional expression and creativity, while staying mindful of the need to ground yourself with routine and structure to accomplish your goals.

You can find out exactly what that means for your rising sign in my  Astrology Updates.

Saturday 03/23

  • ☽ at 12° 36‘ Virgo ☍ ♄ at 12° 36‘ Pisces | 5:17 am eastern
  • ☽ at 14° 23‘ Virgo ☍ ♀︎ at 14° 23‘ Pisces | 8:54 am eastern
  • ☽ at 15° 35‘ Virgo △ ♃ at 15° 35‘ Taurus | 11:22 am eastern
  • ☽ at 20° 25‘ Virgo △ ♅ at 20° 25‘ Taurus | 9:10 pm eastern

Saturday you might find yourself evaluating the effectiveness of your current strategies, asking whether they align with what you ultimately want to achieve. It's a great time for thoughtful assessment, particularly in areas where you've felt divided between maintaining the status quo and pursuing more fulfilling objectives.

The day also supports taking innovative steps toward growth. If there's been a project or goal on your mind, consider practical yet creative approaches to move forward. 

Whether it's applying a new technique to an ongoing project, exploring a hobby that enriches your life, or simply finding a better way to organize your day-to-day activities, the key is to blend reliability with a touch of the unconventional. 

Sunday 03/24

  • ☽ at 27° 37‘ Virgo ☍ ♆  at 27° 37‘ Pisces | 11:49 am eastern
  • ☽ V/C | 11:49 am eastern - 4:37 pm eastern
  • ♀︎ at 15° 48‘ Pisces ✳ ♃ at 15° 48‘ Taurus | 12:36 pm eastern
  • ☽ ▻ Libra | 4:37 pm eastern
  • ☽ at 01° 45‘ Libra △ ♇ at 01° 45‘ Aquarius | 8:10 pm eastern

Sunday you may encounter moments that challenge your perceptions, urging you to question the underlying reasons for your current path or choices. It's a day that encourages profound personal reflection, especially about where you stand in relation to your dreams and the steps you're taking to realize them.

Happily, there’s a strong feeling of optimism and opportunity in the air.

Embracing a spirit of openness and learning can lead to significant personal development or breakthroughs. Whether it's through engaging in meaningful conversations, exploring new philosophies, or applying your beliefs in practical ways, the focus is on expanding your horizons and enriching your life experience. Balancing the introspective work with active pursuit of growth can make this a day of rewarding progress and deeper understanding.

At 4:37 pm eastern, the Moon moves into Libra. 

The Libra Eclipse happens at 3:00 am eastern Monday morning. I’ll be writing all about it and sending it out later this week. If you want early access that will also include what it means for your rising sign, you can sign up for my Astrology Updates here.

Until next time, my wish for you is a pioneering spirit willing to explore all life has to offer. -Robin💋

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