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[Fate & Free Will ] Astrology for the Week of February 12 - February 18

horoscope Feb 12, 2024

This is not the most romantic of Valentine’s Days (or weeks) and there will likely be some relationship challenges. But the thing about astrology is, it’s a spectrum.

I talk about this a lot with clients who want me to tell them exactly when X is going to happen or what Y transit will look like. 

Each planet and house has dozens if not hundreds of common significations and any astrologer is playing the odds of what it “usually” shows up as when writing a horoscope or giving a personalized prediction.

The best way to get to know your relationship with the planets and houses in your chart is to pay attention to what happens in your life with specific activations.

So, while this week might carry its share of tension and tests, especially in the realm of relationships, it's also a potent period for growth and understanding. 

Observing how these shifts play out for you can offer invaluable insights and ultimately help you navigate the Plutonian transformations going forward.

Monday 02/12

  • ☽ ☌ ♆  at 26° 07‘ Pisces | 2:11 am eastern
  • ☽ at 29° 26‘ Pisces ✳ ♂︎  at 29° 26‘ Capricorn | 7:31 am eastern
  • ☽ ▻ Aries | 8:25 am eastern
  • ☽ at 00° 43‘ Aries ✳ ♇ at 00° 43‘ Aquarius | 9:35 am eastern

Monday starts off a little foggy but after 8:25 am the Moon will be in Aries and energy levels and a willingness to get to work should kick in.

Tuesday 02/13

  • ♂︎▻ Aquarius | 1:05 am eastern
  • ☽ at 13° 04‘ Aries ✳ ☿ at 13° 04‘ Aquarius | 5:44 am eastern
  • ♀︎ at 26° 09‘ Capricorn ✳ ♆ at 26° 09‘ Pisces | 8:36 am eastern

Tuesday Mars moves into Aquarius and starts making his way towards Pluto.

As Mars moves through Aquarius, your actions and desires may take on a more disciplined if somewhat unorthodox tone. During this period, you might find yourself driven to assert yourself in unconventional ways, focusing on innovative approaches to challenges. 

Keep in mind that with Mars in Aquarius there can be a tendency towards stubbornness or inflexibility. You (and everyone else) may feel more inclined to stay on a path just because it’s the path you’re on.

Remember, where Mars is hanging out is where you are taking a lot of action but it may also be where you are cutting ties that you’ve outgrown. 

  • Aries Rising: This is all about taking action on your long term hopes and dreams, social or community projects. Be mindful of potential clashes with friends or within groups, as Mars can introduce a competitive or combative element.
  • Taurus Rising: As Mars transits the 10th house, your career and public image take center stage. You may feel ambitious and driven to achieve your goals. However, conflicts with authority figures or being seen as domineering are possible, so it's important to balance assertiveness with tact.
  • Gemini Rising: Mars in the 9th house ignites a desire for adventure, travel, and expanding your horizons through learning. It's an excellent time for exploring new philosophies or engaging in activities that challenge your beliefs. Be cautious of becoming dogmatic in your beliefs.
  • Cancer Rising: You may have an increased desire to tackle things related to taxes, estate planning, debt management, or things you tend to keep hidden from others. Issues around control and power in relationships might surface, requiring careful negotiation.
  • Leo Rising: Mars in the 7th house focuses energy on one-on-one relationships, including business and personal partnerships. While it can stimulate dynamic collaborations, it can also bring about disputes. Diplomacy will be crucial during this period.
  • Virgo Rising: With Mars in the 6th house, you're likely to throw yourself into work and health routines. It's a great period for starting a new exercise regimen or tackling work projects with renewed vigor. Beware of burnout and conflicts with coworkers.
  • Libra Rising: A transit of Mars in the 5th house boosts creativity, romance, and dealings with children. It's an excellent time for pursuing hobbies or romantic interests with vigor. However, it may also bring impatience or conflict in romantic or creative endeavors.
  • Scorpio Rising: Mars moving through the 4th house can energize home and family matters, possibly leading to home improvement projects or active discussions about family issues. Conflicts may arise, requiring a careful balance between assertiveness and sensitivity.
  • Sagittarius Rising: This transit stimulates dynamic communications and short trips. You'll likely engage more actively with siblings or neighbors. However, Mars can also indicate heated discussions, so you may need to practice more patience in dialogues.
  • Capricorn Rising: Mars in the 2nd house highlights efforts to acquire and protect resources. You might feel driven to increase your income or defend your possessions. But try not to make hasty financial decisions that could lead to unnecessary expenses.
  • Aquarius Rising: With Mars transiting the 1st house, expect a surge of energy and assertiveness. This is a time to focus on personal ambitions and physical activities. However, watch for impulsiveness and potential conflicts with others as your directness might come off as aggression.
  • Pisces Rising: This transit brings activity to your private life, stirring up unconscious motivations and possibly confronting hidden fears. It's a time for introspection and dealing with the past. Solitary activities can be particularly rewarding, though you may have to face some inner turmoil.

Wednesday 02/14

  • ♂︎ ☌ ♇ at 00° 46‘ Aquarius  | 1:05 am eastern
  • ☽ at 25° 03‘ Aries ✳ ☉ at 25° 03‘ Aquarius | 1:40 am eastern
  • ☽ at 27° 13‘ Aries □ ♀︎ at 27° 13‘ Capricorn | 5:20 am eastern
  • ☽ ▻ Taurus | 10:02 am eastern
  • ☽ at 00° 46‘ Taurus  □ ♇ at 00° 46‘ Aquarius | 11:22 am eastern
  • ☽ at 01° 06‘ Taurus  □ ♂︎  at 01° 06‘ Aquarius | 11:56 am eastern
  • ☽ at 08° 06‘ Taurus ✳ ♄  at 08° 06‘ Pisces | 11:56 pm eastern

Wednesday at 1:05 am eastern Mars meets up with Pluto. 

When Mars joins up with Pluto you can expect intense energy and transformative action. Drive and determination are amplified, pushing you to confront deep-seated issues and initiate significant changes. This is a time for boldness and courage, as you might feel compelled to break free from outdated patterns and assert your individuality in powerful ways. 

However, this can also bring challenges, as the intense desire for change can lead to power struggles or confrontational attitudes. It's crucial to channel this potent energy constructively and avoid impulsive or forceful actions that might create unnecessary conflict or upheaval. 

This period calls for a strategic approach to transformation, harnessing the dynamic energy of Mars and the deep, transformative power of Pluto to achieve meaningful and lasting progress.

For many, this will be showing up Tuesday but expect to feel the shifts for much of this week.

Thursday 02/15

  • ☽ ☌ ♃ at 09° 01‘ Taurus | 2:30 am eastern
  • at 17° 04‘ Taurus □ ☿ at 17° 04‘ Aquarius | 3:35 pm eastern
  • ☽ ☌ ♅ at 19° 15‘ Taurus | 7:26 pm eastern

Thursday is Much more optimistic and far less contentious. It’s a little island of productivity. 


Friday 02/16

  • ☽ at 26° 15‘ Taurus ✳ ♆ at °26 15‘ Pisces | 7:55 am eastern
  • ☽ at 27° 25‘ Taurus □ ☉  at 27° 25‘ Aquarius | 10 am eastern
  • ♀︎  ▻  Aquarius | 11:05 am eastern
  • ☽ ▻ Gemini | 2:39 pm eastern
  • ☽ at 00° 12‘ Gemini △ ♀︎ at 00° 12‘ Aquarius | 3:01 pm eastern
  • ☽ at 00° 50‘ Gemini △ ♇ at 00° 50‘ Aquarius | 4:11 pm eastern
  • ☽ at 02° 54‘ Gemini △ ♂︎ at 02° 54‘ Aquarius | 7:56 pm eastern
  • ☿ at 19° 16‘ Aquarius □ ♅ at 19° 16‘  Taurus | 10:52 pm eastern

Friday is always Venus’ day and this one comes with a little extra kick as Venus moves into Aquarius to show you the potential and maybe smooth over any edges that have been blown up in that area of life over the past several weeks.

As Venus moves through Aquarius, your approach to relationships, beauty, and values may embody an unorthodox or more disciplined tone. This transit encourages a more detached yet intellectually stimulating connection in relationships. You might find yourself attracted to unique, non-traditional expressions of love and friendship, valuing freedom and individuality in your connections.

This transit also favors innovative aesthetic pursuits. You may feel inspired to experiment with unconventional styles or artistic forms of expression, challenging traditional norms of beauty and harmony. It's an excellent time for embracing and showcasing your unique tastes and preferences.

However, this transit can sometimes bring challenges in forming deep emotional bonds, as the Aquarian energy favors intellectual over emotional connections. It's important to balance your need for independence with the warmth and closeness that relationships require.

Financially, this period may inspire creative and unusual ways of managing or acquiring resources, though a practical approach is advised to maintain financial stability. 

  • Aries Rising:  Social networks and friendships expand, with new connections aligning closely with your long-term goals. Community involvement and group projects are particularly rewarding during this transit.
  • Taurus Rising: Professional relationships and public image benefit from Venus’s influence, attracting opportunities for recognition and career advancement. Your ability to get along with authority figures and peers alike can lead to lucrative collaborations.
  • Gemini Rising: Travel, study, or spiritual pursuits are highlighted, with relationships formed through these activities bringing lasting impact. You may develop an interest in cultures or philosophies different from your own.
  • Cancer Rising: Venus in the 8th house can indicate financial gains through partnerships, such as inheritances, loans, or investments. It’s a time for starting conversations about shared resources.
  • Leo Rising: Venus’s transit here deepens existing relationships and attracts new partnerships, both business and personal. Negotiations and legal matters proceed smoothly, and you may find yourself more willing to compromise and collaborate.
  • Virgo Rising: In the 6th house, Venus can smooth over relations with coworkers and bring ease to your daily routines. It’s an opportune time to adopt healthier lifestyle choices, particularly those that involve beauty treatments or enhancing your physical well-being.
  • Libra Rising: Venus ignites your romantic and creative life, making this a vibrant time for dating, leisure activities, and hobbies. Artistic endeavors and romance are favored, and relationships with children or creative projects bring joy.
  • Scorpio Rising: This transit brings harmony to your home life and relationships with family members. You might be inspired to beautify your living space or relocate to a more desirable home. It's a period where you seek peace and comfort in your private life.
  • Sagittarius Rising: Venus here enhances communication, making it a great time for connecting with siblings, neighbors, and close community. Social interactions are more harmonious, and you may enjoy short trips or outings that are aesthetically pleasing or culturally enriching.
  • Capricorn Rising: In the 2nd house, Venus can increase your desire for material possessions and comfort, potentially leading to financial gains through investments or gifts. You might spend more on luxury items or find value in things that bring you joy. This period could also prompt a reevaluation of what truly matters to you.
  • Aquarius Rising: Venus moving through your 1st house can amplify your charm and grace, making you more attractive to others. You may find yourself focusing more on personal appearance and may attract new relationships easily. It’s a good time for self-improvement and enhancing your physical appearance.
  • Pisces Rising: Venus brings comfort during times of solitude, encouraging you to connect with your inner world and find beauty in quiet moments. It’s a period for healing relationships and releasing past grievances, as well as exploring artistic or spiritual pursuits away from the public eye.

But that’s the long term part of the transit.

Today is likely to be a little bit more intense. You might find yourself grappling with a mix of innovative ideas and a strong urge to maintain a sense of stability. This could lead to tension between wanting to explore new ways of thinking and the need to stick to tried and true methods. 

Your usual ways of problem-solving might be challenged by unexpected shenanigans. However, this is also an opportunity to find unique solutions that respect both progress and tradition.

Saturday 02/17

  • ♀︎ ☌ ♇  at 00° 51‘ Aquarius | 3:48 am eastern
  • ☽ at 08° 23‘ Gemini □ ♄ at 08° 23‘  Pisces | 5:56 am eastern

Saturday  Venus meets up with Pluto ending our ‘what in the world will Pluto be transforming’ mini series.

This is a time where your approach to love, beauty, and finances might be redefined through profound changes (in addition to topics related specifically to your Aquarius house).

At its core this is about transformational love but that could be something that has the potential for helping you transcend past limitations or it could take you (or others) down the road to obsession - and not in the cute new hobby hyperfixation kind of way. 

It's a phase of deep introspection, where understanding the underlying motives and dynamics in your relationships becomes crucial. Embrace the possibility of rebirth in how you connect with others and what you find beautiful or valuable.

By confronting and embracing these deep changes, you can emerge with a renewed sense of clarity and purpose.

Sunday 02/18

  • ☽ at 21° 31‘ Gemini △ ☿ at 21° 31‘ Aquarius | 6:21 am eastern
  • ☽ at 26° 20‘ Gemini □ ♆ at 26° 20‘ Pisces | 3:27 pm eastern
  • ☽ at 29° 57‘ Gemini △ ☉ at 29° 57‘ Aquarius | 10: 20 pm eastern
  • ☽ ▻ Cancer | 10:24 pm eastern
  • ☉ ▻ Pisces | 11:13 pm eastern

Sunday is intellectually curious and productive. It may be the weekend but if you had things that got shoved to the side during the week, today is a great day to catch up - or get ahead. 

Sunday night everything shifts into far more emotional waters as the Moon moves into Cancer at 10:24 pm eastern and the Sun swims into Pisces at 11:13 pm. 

The good news is all of the Aquarius intensity is going to start winding down (with the exception of some serious heat when Mars and Venus meet up next week). 

Of course that means the pressure is about to be dialed all the way up in Pisces.

While the Sun is in Pisces you may find yourself drawn into a phase of introspection and emotional richness. You may become more aware of your own emotions and those of others, enhancing empathy and understanding. You may also experience a surge in creativity, with the dreamy and imaginative qualities of Pisces inspiring artistic expression and innovative ideas.

However, while this period is great for exploring your inner world and embracing your most authentic self, it's important to remain anchored in reality. Pisces' influence can sometimes lead to escapism or getting lost in a world of fantasy. 

  • Aries Rising: A time for introspection, healing, and dealing with the subconscious. The Sun's transit here illuminates hidden aspects of yourself, offering clarity and understanding, but it may also bring solitude or uncover hidden enemies.
  • Taurus Rising: Focusing on friendships, community, and future goals, this transit encourages teamwork and humanitarian efforts. However, it's essential to balance personal aims with group dynamics and avoid conflicts within networks.
  • Gemini Rising: Professional life and public image receive a boost. Ambitions and leadership qualities are illuminated, offering opportunities for advancement, though it may bring challenges with authority figures or pressure to perform.
  • Cancer Rising: Expanding your horizons through travel, education, or spiritual pursuits is favored. It's a time for growth and seeking meaning, yet be mindful of dogmatism or conflicts over beliefs.
  • Leo Rising: This is a time for addressing financial matters such as inheritances, taxes, and debts, encouraging you to take control and organize these aspects. This period may also bring about discussions or revelations regarding shared assets or investments, emphasizing the need for transparency and mutual understanding in financial partnerships.
  • Virgo Rising: Relationships, both business and personal, come into the spotlight. It's a phase to collaborate and improve partnerships, but issues of ego and balance in relationships may need addressing.
  • Libra Rising: This period calls for attention to health, work, and routines. It's time to take action on self-improvement and efficiency, though stress from overwork or conflicts with coworkers could arise.
  • Scorpio Rising: Creativity, romance, and leisure activities are highlighted. The Sun invites you to express yourself freely and enjoy life's pleasures, but be cautious of drama in love affairs and risk-taking in speculation.
  • Sagittarius Rising: Focusing on family and home life, this transit brings warmth to your private sphere. It's an opportunity to strengthen family bonds and address domestic matters, though issues around authority and control may surface.
  • Capricorn Rising: Communication takes center stage. Expect increased interactions with siblings, neighbors, and short trips. It's an excellent time for learning and sharing ideas, though be wary of dominating conversations.
  • Aquarius Rising: Highlighting financial matters, this transit encourages you to assess and bolster your assets and income. It's a period for enhancing self-worth and material security, but watch out for overspending.
  • Pisces Rising: The Sun illuminates your sense of self, bringing energy and focus to personal initiatives and physical vitality. It's a time to shine and assert your individuality, yet be mindful of ego clashes.

Until next time, my wish for you is powerful action from a place of peace. -Robin💋

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