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2024 Aquarius New Moon

horoscope Feb 09, 2024

 The Aquarius New Moon goes exact at 5:59 pm eastern. In honor of this lunation ushering in the Lunar New Year of the Dragon and the first New Moon with Pluto in Aquarius, I've gone into a bit more depth than usual 🐉

A great way to celebrate this new beginning is by joining The Crusade :) 

By rising sign, this is where you can expect transformational new beginnings:

Aries Rising

This New Moon encourages you to think about your role within your community, your friendships, and the collective causes you are passionate about. It's a time to initiate new projects or goals that reflect your true values. You might feel compelled to join new groups or communities that align more closely with your evolving identity and vision for the future.

The square between the New Moon and Uranus underscores a tension between your individual financial stability and your desires to contribute to or participate in group endeavors. This aspect challenges you to find creative solutions that allow you to maintain your financial security while actively engaging in your community or with your friends in meaningful ways.

Embrace this period as an opportunity to redefine what success and fulfillment mean to you, particularly in the context of your broader social networks and long-term goals. The key is to remain flexible and open to new methods of achieving your objectives, even as you navigate unpredictability in your financial situation.

The Aquarius New Moon marks a transformative time for reimagining your future goals and the role of community in your life, all while dealing with the challenges and opportunities presented by sudden changes in your financial circumstances. It's a call to innovate and adapt, ensuring that your aspirations are not only visionary but also grounded in the reality of your material situation.

Taurus Rising

The New Moon in the 10th House signals new beginnings in your career or public life, urging you to pursue innovative projects or roles that challenge the status quo. This could be a great time to launch a new business, change your career path, or take on a role that allows you to implement forward focused ideas. You're encouraged to step into the limelight and make your mark, but the unconventional nature of your ambitions might require a delicate balance between innovation and practicality.

The square between the New Moon and Uranus highlights the potential for conflict between your professional goals and personal identity. You may find that your drive for career innovation clashes with a newfound sense of self that craves different expressions or freedoms. This aspect challenges you to integrate your personal evolution with your professional ambitions, ensuring that changes in one area support growth in the other.

You're being invited  to embrace change both in your career and personal identity. It's a time to be bold and innovative in your professional pursuits while also allowing for personal transformations that reflect your true self. Navigating these changes successfully requires a balance between embracing new, unconventional paths and maintaining a sense of stability and security in your personal and professional life. By embracing change and balancing it with practical considerations, you can pave the way for significant achievements and a more authentic expression of your identity.

Gemini Rising

This New Moon in your 9th House encourages a bold leap into new territories of learning, be it through higher education, travel, or the exploration of philosophies and beliefs that are foreign to you. This period is about seeking truth and meaning beyond your current understanding, pushing the boundaries of what you know to be true. However, the square from Uranus in the 12th House suggests that this journey is not just external but deeply internal, prompting unexpected insights and revelations from your subconscious or dreams that could radically alter your worldview.

You may find yourself questioning the foundations of your beliefs, leading to a transformative period where learning and expansion are as much about internal growth as they are about external exploration. You're being invited to open your mind to unconventional sources of wisdom and to be receptive to the unexpected ways in which the universe communicates with you. It's a time to be adventurous in your quest for knowledge, allowing your intuition and the mysteries of the subconscious to guide you towards deeper truths.

This is a a period of dynamic expansion and exploration, where the pursuit of knowledge is deeply intertwined with spiritual awakenings and the exploration of the subconscious. It challenges you to venture into the unknown, both externally in the world and internally within yourself, embracing the unexpected and the unconventional as key components of your growth and understanding.

Cancer Rising

This New Moon initiates a phase of deep, transformative change in areas related to shared finances, inheritance, or intimate relationships. You're encouraged to explore new ways of merging with others, whether this means navigating the complexities of financial entanglements or deepening emotional connections. However, the innovative and sometimes radical energy of Aquarius seeks to break free from traditional boundaries, urging you to reconsider what sharing truly means to you.

Due to the square to Uranus you may be experiencing a tension between the deeply personal or hidden aspects of your life and your place within wider social networks. You may find that your journey through personal or financial transformation challenges or is challenged by the collective needs of the groups you belong to. This period asks you to find a balance between pursuing personal metamorphosis and contributing to communal or societal progress.

This transit offers an opportunity to revolutionize how you think about legacy—moving beyond material inheritance or wealth to consider the psychological and spiritual legacies you share with others. Similarly, your vision for the future and your aspirations may undergo a profound shift, reflecting a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of all things.

It's a time to embrace new, unconventional paths in handling shared resources and intimacy, while also being prepared for sudden shifts in your social circles and long-term goals. This transit challenges you to navigate these changes with an open heart and mind, finding innovative ways to blend personal transformation with your vision for the future and your role within the community.

Leo Rising

The New Moon in the 7th House heralds new beginnings in your one-on-one relationships, both personal and professional. This may involve embracing innovative or non-traditional partnership dynamics, or new beginnings with partners who challenge your conventional ideas about relationships. This period encourages you to rethink what you seek and offer in partnerships, potentially leading to unconventional alliances or new ways of relating.

The square to Uranus indicates a tension between your relationship dynamics and career ambitions. You might find yourself navigating a landscape where sudden professional opportunities or changes demand a reevaluation of your commitments and expectations in partnerships. This could lead to conflicts or a need for compromise between your personal and professional life.

This New Moon brings a time of transformation in relationships, coupled with unexpected developments in your career. This period calls for embracing innovation in how you relate to others while navigating the unpredictable tides of your professional life. It's about finding a new equilibrium that honors both your personal connections and your goals in the public sphere and an opportunity to redefine what success and fulfillment mean to you in both areas. You may discover that your traditional views on relationships and career are evolving, prompting you to explore more progressive or unconventional paths.

Virgo Rising

This New Moon encourages you to rethink and possibly reinvent your approach to daily tasks, work habits, and health routines. It's about breaking away from traditional methods and embracing more progressive solutions to improve efficiency and well-being. For example, you might adopt a new health regimen that's unconventional yet highly effective, or you could introduce radical changes to how you organize your work.

You may find it challenging to balance the desire for innovation in your daily life with the practicalities of integrating these changes into a broader understanding of the world. The square aspect indicates tension between the urge to revolutionize your routines and the need to adapt these changes to fit a changing perspective on life, education, and beliefs.

Uranus's influence could also bring about sudden disruptions in your plans for higher education or travel, which in turn could have a cascading effect on your daily routines. For instance, an unexpected opportunity for travel or study might require you to quickly adapt your work and health routines to accommodate this new direction.

This is a time for initiating changes in your approach to work, health, and daily routines, influenced by sudden shifts in your beliefs, educational paths, or travel plans. It challenges you to blend the innovation and unpredictability of Uranus with the structure and practicality of the 6th House, encouraging growth, efficiency, and a broader perspective on life.

Libra Rising

This New Moon brings a wave of innovative energy into your creative endeavors and romantic life. You might feel an urge to experiment with new forms of creative expression, or you may encounter unconventional or surprising romantic opportunities. This period is about breaking away from traditional forms of pleasure and entertainment, and embracing a more unique and possibly unconventional approach.

The square to Uranus indicates a need to find balance between your desire for creative and romantic spontaneity and the realities of deeper, more complex financial or emotional entanglements. You may be exploring new ways of expressing yourself or connecting with others, but these explorations could bring to light deeper issues related to control, trust, or vulnerability.

This is a time for embracing new paths in how you experience pleasure, love, and creativity, while also navigating the unpredictable waters of shared resources and intimate connections. This period calls for a balance between seeking personal fulfillment and addressing deeper, more complex relationship dynamics.

Scorpio Rising

This New Moon invites you to reconsider what 'home' means to you, potentially leading to innovative changes in your living situation or your relationships with family members. You might feel a strong urge to break away from traditional family values or to renovate your physical home to better reflect your evolving identity. This period is about creating a space—both physically and emotionally—that supports your true self.

The square to Uranus highlights the potential tension between your innermost needs and the dynamics of your partnerships. You may find that your efforts to secure emotional stability at home are challenged by the unpredictable nature of your relationships, or vice versa. This period challenges you to find ways to maintain harmony between your personal foundation and your commitments to others.

This is a time for transformation in how you experience and define home, family, and partnerships. It's a call to break free from outdated patterns and to courageously pursue changes that align more closely with your authentic self, even if it means navigating the uncertain waters of unconventional relationships and home arrangements. This transit challenges you to find a balance between securing your emotional foundations and embracing the liberating changes in your close relationships.

Sagittarius Rising

The New Moon in your 3rd House is a time of fresh starts in your immediate environment, encouraging you to explore new ways of sharing information, learning, and connecting with siblings or neighbors. You might find yourself drawn to new platforms for communication, enhancing your ability to network and exchange ideas.

The square between the New Moon and Uranus indicates a tension between the desire to innovate in your communication and learning and the need to maintain stability and order in your daily life. You may face challenges that test your ability to implement new ideas without causing chaos in your routines. Finding a balance between embracing change and maintaining a semblance of order will be key.

The Aquarius New Moon square Uranus in Taurus challenges you to break free from old patterns that no longer serve you, urging you to explore new ways of thinking and operating that can lead to significant improvements in your daily routines and communication methods. By navigating the challenges and disruptions that come your way with openness and flexibility, you can discover innovative solutions that enhance your productivity, health, and connections with others, setting the stage for a more efficient and interconnected existence.

Capricorn Rising

The New Moon in the 2nd House signifies new beginnings in how you earn, spend, and perceive value. You might find yourself exploring innovative ways of generating income or reevaluating your spending priorities. This period may also inspire you to invest in things that are not traditionally considered valuable but hold personal significance to you.

The square to Uranus indicates tension between your need for financial security and a burgeoning desire to take risks in your creative or romantic life. You may feel an internal struggle between sticking to tried-and-true methods of managing resources and the urge to gamble or invest in speculative ventures.

You may also experience a deep reevaluation of what you truly value, both materially and emotionally. You may discover that your personal values are shifting, leading you to pursue interests and relationships that were previously outside your comfort zone.

This is a dynamic period of change, where your financial and material stability may be interwoven with surprising elements in your creative and romantic life. It's a time to explore new ways of increasing your resources and expressing your creativity, while being mindful of the need to balance innovation with practical considerations.

Aquarius Rising

This New Moon prompts you to break away from outdated perceptions of yourself, encouraging bold steps towards embodying a more authentic version of you. You might feel compelled to update your appearance, embark on a new personal journey, or assert your independence in ways you haven't before.

The square from Uranus introduces an element of surprise to your home environment or family relationships. You could experience sudden changes in your living situation—such as a move or renovation—out of the blue, or unexpected events involving family members that challenge your sense of stability and security. These changes may directly influence your journey of personal reinvention, requiring you to adapt and find new ways to express your evolving identity within the context of these shifts.

The challenge here lies in navigating the tension between your desire for personal change and the need for a stable foundation. You're called to embrace innovation and change in your personal identity and life path, all while managing potentially disruptive changes in your home life. It's a delicate balance between pursuing individuality and maintaining harmony in your personal and family relationships.

The types of transformational new beginnings likely under this transit involve integrating your personal evolution with the evolving dynamics of your home and family life. It could mean finding innovative ways to connect with family members, creating a living space that better reflects your changing identity, or using the energy of unexpected domestic changes as a catalyst for personal growth.

This period may test your resilience and adaptability, as the square from Uranus to the New Moon signifies that not all changes will be smooth or predictable. However, these disruptions also serve as opportunities for profound personal growth, pushing you to redefine your identity in ways that align more closely with your true self, even as you adjust to new circumstances at home.

Pisces Rising

The Aquarius New Moon in your 12th House signals a time for introspection, spiritual renewal, and engaging with the subconscious. This period encourages you to explore innovative forms of therapy, meditation, or any practice that facilitates a deeper understanding of your inner self. It's about breaking away from traditional forms of self-care and mental health practices, embracing new, unconventional methods that resonate with your unique needs.

The square between the New Moon and Uranus suggests a tension between your inner world of dreams, secrets, and reflections, and the outer world of communication, short trips, and relationships with siblings or neighbors. You might find that what you're discovering about yourself on a deep level is at odds with the messages you're receiving from your environment, or you may struggle to articulate your inner discoveries in a way that others can understand.

This New Moon is a time of significant inner transformation, influenced by unexpected changes in how you think and communicate. It invites you to explore new ways of understanding yourself, while staying open to sudden insights and learning opportunities that challenge your traditional ways of thinking. 

Until next time, my wish for you is an unexpected and magical new beginning. -Robin💋

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