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Wicked Veracity Podcast Show Notes | Episode 17

coaching podcast Apr 26, 2021
Wicked Veracity Podcast Episode 17


I’ve talked about time before but did you know I’m a time ninja? Totally true.

You may be thinking to yourself what in the world is a time ninja?! And, if I’m being completely honest, it means whatever you want it to mean because it has no real meaning at all. 

For me, it means I’m able to get more done in a day or a week or a year than the average human.

It also means that I don’t think about time the way most people do. It isn’t linear for me, it’s fluid. I don’t feel the need to make more time because I know there is as much as I need to do whatever I want. 

I love the way time flows around me.

In more practical terms, it means I can put together a project plan for very nearly anything and I believe calendaring effectively can solve most problems.

So today I’m going to tell you a secret time ninja trick that you’re not going to believe at first. It’s ok, no one does. But if you’ll try it on just one thing, it’ll change your life.

The secret to completing any project, any goal, any diet, any ANYTHING is to schedule your ‘me time’ first.

I know, I know, you don’t have time for you. I get it, but that’s just because you aren’t scheduling it in. Oh. You are? But it gets pushed to the side? I see. Well, that just means you need more practice at keeping your promises to yourself, so let’s start with something small.

I want you to pick one thing that you LOVE to do for yourself. I don’t care if it’s a round of golf without anyone talking to you, a manicure, baking fresh bread, or painting for an hour. Whatever it is, it has to be totally for you - not something you like doing that will keep the kids, spouse, parents, or whomever happy. 

And since I don’t want you to use planning as an excuse not to do it - it has to be something you can do with minimal prep and that can be added to your calendar in the next seven days. So while that may mean I’m not letting you get away with planning your dream trip to Paris, you can totally schedule a French manicure or a treat at a French bakery, or something related.

Ok, have you picked your thing? Excellent.

Now go put it on your calendar the same way you would for a doctor’s appointment or a jury summons. If it helps you can put ‘meeting with Robin’ or ‘Consultation with Wicked Veracity’ in the title so that it feels more official and worthy of being on your calendar. 

As a side note, spending time with yourself is a worthy event for your calendar but I get how it can feel selfish or indulgent if it’s not something you do regularly.

Alrighty. Now all you have to do is not miss your appointment.

How does this help you learn to be a time ninja? Well you see, I know a lot of anti-calendar people (really that tends to be anyone who feels like they never have enough time) and the way I convert all of them is by teaching them to calendar fun things first. 

A lot of people have never considered that you have to prioritize and schedule your own mental and emotional health in the same way you would schedule car maintenance or routine health screenings. Would you skip your 6-month dentist appointment or decide your oil didn’t need to be changed? Nope. Ohhhh that isn’t something you have to do weekly? Ok, I see you over there thinking you don’t schedule health things weekly or daily. BUT I bet you brush your teeth regularly like a champ. 

Once you realize you actually can enjoy the process and that it’s possible to keep your promise to yourself, that’s when the fun really begins but that’s for later. 

Right now, all I want you to do is to flow into the moment you schedule for yourself and enjoy it fully.

Music Time

Today’s episode was inspired by the song A Minute by Kelly Clarkson. This is a short intro to her 2017 album, so today you get an entire song.

From the song:

Sometimes I need to unwind

Sometimes I need some downtime

Sometimes I need a minute just for me

I need a minute just to be

I need a minute just to breathe

Sometimes I need a minute that's my own

I need a minute in my zone

Where I can say just what I want

I need a minute

So tell me... 

How hard is it for you to really take time for yourself? Time to breathe and just be you. No, scrolling social media and watching Netflix at night when you’re too exhausted to move doesn’t count. If you have time to do all the things for all the people, why don’t you have time to take a minute for you?

Spend time with these questions and see what comes up. If you’re feeling frisky, hit me up on Instagram and share your answers with me.

Until next time, my wish for you is for you to love yourself enough to schedule time to be, to breathe, and to unwind.

Podcast Theme Music

LicenseRustic Ballad by Alexander Nakarada

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