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[Fate & Free Will ] Leo Full Moon 2024

horoscope Jan 25, 2024
[Fate & Free Will ] Leo Full Moon 2024

Before we get into the Leo Full Moon awesomeness, I have an announcement to make. The Crusade has had an open door policy since it began in October of 2022 - that's changing. Beginning on the Lunar New Year 🐉 (February 9th), the doors will only be open a few times each year.

I'll be talking more about it for the next two weeks but if you've been looking for a sign that now is the time to join and take your self-care and study of astrology to the next level... ♌  🌕 🪧

For this special Leo Full Moon forecast I went a little deeper than I usually do in the Monday forecasts to offer a glimpse into the insight that can be found when using astrology in a more in depth way as I do during the astro-coaching sessions within the Crusade. Of course, this is still more generalized than what is possible when coaching with your chart in front of me. I hope you find it useful💗

Aries Rising

For Aries Rising, this Full Moon in your 5th house spotlights your creative expression, romantic life, and personal passions. This lunar event may bring moments of joy, artistic inspiration, or even romantic developments.

However, the Sun conjunct Pluto in your 11th house suggests a period of intense transformation within your social networks, friendships, and long-term goals. Deep-seated changes are coming to light, particularly involving how you see yourself as part of a community or group. You might be reassessing your goals and friendships, looking for more meaningful connections that align with your true self.

The square from Jupiter in Taurus in your 2nd house adds an element of expansion and challenge to your values and material resources. This aspect may bring opportunities for financial growth or a reevaluation of what you truly value and find worth in. You're encouraged to strike a balance between material security and spiritual or emotional fulfillment.

Overall, this Full Moon is a call to align your desires for personal joy and creative expression, with transformative social dynamics, and evolving personal values and resources. It's a time to embrace changes in your social circles and long-term plans while nurturing your personal passions and reassessing your values. The key is finding balance in these interconnected areas of life, allowing for personal growth and transformation.

Taurus Rising

For Taurus Rising, this Full Moon in your 4th house of home and family life illuminates emotional dynamics and may bring changes or revelations in these areas. This period could mark a transformative phase in your personal life, with the potential for intense emotional experiences related to your living situation, family, or sense of security.

The conjunction of the Sun and Pluto in your 10th house signifies deep, possibly challenging transformations in the areas of your career and public life. Expect significant shifts in how you view and handle your professional role and public image. This could be a time of power struggles or intense realizations about your career path, pushing you to reassess your goals and the way you assert yourself in the professional world.

The square to Jupiter in your 1st house of self and identity indicates a tension between your sense of self and the transformations occurring in your career and home life. You might feel a push to expand or change your personal image or approach to life, potentially leading to discomfort as you navigate these changes. This aspect urges you to find balance between growth and stability in your personal identity, encouraging you to adapt without losing sight of your core values and sense of self.

Overall, this Full Moon is a powerful catalyst for growth, urging you to integrate the changes happening in your personal, home, and career spheres. It's a time to embrace transformation while maintaining a sense of personal identity and stability. The key challenge will be managing the dynamic tensions between these areas effectively for personal growth and fulfillment.

Gemini Rising

For Gemini Rising, this Full Moon in your 3rd house may bring an intense spotlight to your daily communications, relationships with siblings, or short trips. You might find yourself needing to express yourself more dramatically or assertively than usual. It's a time where your words carry weight, and there's a potential for power dynamics to play out in everyday interactions.

With the Sun and Pluto in your 9th house, there's a focus on deep transformation in your beliefs, higher education, or long-distance travel. You may question your long-held beliefs or confront situations that challenge your worldview. This period could also indicate a transformation in your educational path or dealings with foreign cultures.

Jupiter's square from the 12th house can expand your subconscious mind, bringing up hidden fears or amplifying your desire for inner peace and spiritual growth. It's a period where you might grapple with the material or practical realities of your hidden struggles or mental health.

This Full Moon brings a time of heightened emotional and mental activity, particularly around your belief systems and communication style. It's an opportunity for significant personal growth by embracing these transformative energies and finding a balance between assertiveness and openness to new perspectives. Be mindful of the power of your words and thoughts, and use this period to align your deeper beliefs with your day-to-day interactions.

Cancer Rising

For Cancer Rising, this Full Moon in your 2nd house of resources and values highlights a heightened awareness around financial and material stability. You might find yourself reevaluating what you value most, both materially and emotionally. This period challenges you to balance your need for security with a deeper understanding of what truly brings you satisfaction and self-worth.

With the Sun conjunct Pluto in your 8th house, you're facing a powerful period of transformation in areas of shared resources, deep psychological insights, and legacies. This transit may bring intense emotional and financial entanglements to the surface, requiring you to confront and redefine your approach to joint finances, inheritance, debts, or intimate relationships. It's a time for purging outdated attachments and embracing a renewed sense of empowerment in these deeply transformative areas.

Jupiter’s square from your 11th house brings expansion and potential overextension into your social circles, aspirations, and long-term goals. You might find that your ambitions and dreams are being tested, asking you to balance your social commitments and future visions with the practical realities of your situation. This transit encourages you to pursue growth in your community and social networks while staying grounded and realistic.

This Full Moon cycle marks a significant period of introspection and transformation in your financial independence, emotional interdependencies, and community involvement. It's a time to navigate the complexities of personal and shared resources, deepening intimate connections, and aligning your social goals with your true values. This period encourages you to embrace transformative changes that redefine your sense of security, reshape your intimate connections, and realign your social aspirations with practical realities. Be mindful of balancing these areas, ensuring you don't overextend yourself financially or emotionally in your pursuit of personal growth and community engagement.

Leo Rising

For Leo Rising, this Full Moon illuminates your 1st house, emphasizing a strong focus on self-identity and personal expression. You may feel an intense drive to assert your individuality and to be recognized for your unique qualities. This period may bring moments where you feel particularly vibrant and in the spotlight, but also an internal struggle to reconcile this with deeper changes in your life.

In your 7th house, the Sun-Pluto conjunction in Aquarius suggests deep, transformative shifts in your relationships and partnerships. There's an intense focus on how you balance your sense of self with the needs and dynamics of significant others. These shifts might involve confronting and reshaping power dynamics or fundamental aspects of your relationships.

Jupiter in Taurus in your 10th house brings an expansive influence to your career and public life. This square challenges you to grow and adapt in your professional sphere, potentially pushing you out of your comfort zone. You may face decisions that require balancing ambitious career aspirations with the need for stability and security.

The combination of these transits indicates a period of profound personal evolution, marked by a push-and-pull between self-assertion, transformative relationships, and career growth. This Full Moon is an opportunity to embrace these changes, using them to forge a more authentic self, reshape your relationships on a more equitable basis, and expand your professional horizons while staying grounded in your values and capabilities.

Virgo Rising

For Virgo Rising, this Full Moon in your 12th house of the subconscious, solitude, and hidden matters illuminates internal, perhaps previously unseen emotional landscapes. This period may bring heightened awareness to your innermost thoughts, fears, and dreams. It's a time for introspection, where issues related to self-undoing, hidden aspects of your personality, or spiritual pursuits come to the forefront.

The Sun conjunct Pluto in your 6th house of daily routines, health, and service, indicates transformative changes in these areas. You might be reevaluating your work habits, health routines, or service to others. This aspect demands an honest look at how you manage your responsibilities and care for your physical and mental well-being, leading to potential overhauls in these domains.

Jupiter in your 9th house squares these energies, adding a layer of challenge and expansion to your beliefs, higher learning, or long-distance travel. This transit encourages you to step out of your comfort zone in the pursuit of knowledge, cultural experiences, or spiritual growth. However, it also cautions against overextending yourself in these areas or becoming dogmatic in your beliefs.

During this Full Moon, the invitation is to integrate these energies by recognizing and addressing subconscious patterns that impact your daily life, while exploring new philosophies or belief systems. It's a period of deep self-exploration and potential transformation in how you approach your inner world, your work and health routines, and your quest for higher understanding. Embrace this time as an opportunity for growth, ensuring you balance expansion with self-care and practical considerations.

Libra Rising

For Libra Rising, this Full Moon in your 11th house of friendships, groups, and long-term goals. This is a period where your social circle and your role within it become emotionally significant. You might experience a heightened desire for recognition or fulfillment through community involvement, social causes, or by aligning your actions with your broader humanitarian goals.

The Sun conjunct Pluto in your 5th house indicates intense and possibly transformative experiences related to creativity, romance, or personal hobbies. This aspect can bring about profound changes in how you express yourself, your attitudes towards pleasure and romance, and your creative outputs. It's a period of deep self-exploration and possibly a redefinition of what brings you joy and satisfaction.

Jupiter's square from the 8th house brings into focus the complex interplay of shared resources, deeper intimacy, and transformative legacy. You may encounter challenges or opportunities for expansion in areas like joint finances, emotional vulnerabilities, or psychological insights. This aspect asks you to explore growth in these areas, while navigating the transformative influences in your personal and social life.

This Full Moon cycle is a pivotal time for integrating your social goals, creative self-expression, and deeper transformations. The focus is on how you connect with others, express your individuality, and manage shared emotional and financial bonds. Embrace the transformative energies at play to grow in your social life, redefine your creative expression, and deepen your understanding of your legacy. The key is to balance these areas, ensuring personal growth without compromising your sense of stability and security amidst change.

Scorpio Rising

For Scorpio Rising, this Full Moon in your 10th house brings a spotlight to your career and public standing. This is a time where your professional achievements and your quest for recognition may feel more emotionally charged. You might be driven to showcase your talents and abilities more prominently, seeking validation and appreciation in your professional life.

The conjunction of the Sun and Pluto in your 4th house suggests deep, transformative shifts within your home life or your emotional foundations. This aspect could bring up intense family dynamics, changes in your living situation, or deep-seated emotional patterns that require your attention. It’s a period of examining and possibly redefining what provides you security and comfort at a fundamental level.

Jupiter's square from your 7th house of partnerships highlights a tension between your relationships and the changes occurring at your core and in your professional life. This aspect suggests challenges in balancing growth in relationships with your personal and career transformations. You may find yourself reevaluating your commitments, seeking more freedom, or dealing with issues of overindulgence or unrealistic expectations in partnerships.

The key during this Full Moon is to navigate the push-pull dynamics between these areas of life. It's about balancing your professional aspirations and public roles with the transformations occurring in your personal and home life, all while managing the expansion and challenges in your relationships. Embrace the changes and use this period for constructive growth in both your personal and professional spheres, being mindful to maintain harmony in your partnerships.

Sagittarius Rising

For Sagittarius Rising, this Full Moon in your 9th house illuminates your realm of higher learning, beliefs, and long-distance travel. You might experience a heightened desire for adventure or a need to express your opinions more boldly. It’s a time when your beliefs and philosophies could be dramatically brought into focus, prompting you to share your views more publicly or reevaluate your long-term goals.

The conjunction of the Sun and Pluto in your house of communication suggests deep, transformative conversations or thoughts. You could be exploring intense subjects or uncovering hidden information. This aspect may also indicate power dynamics in your immediate environment, such as with siblings or neighbors, where issues of control and transformation are prominent.

Jupiter's square from your 6th house of daily work and health suggests that these personal and philosophical shifts might challenge your routine or work life. There's a potential for overexpansion or overconfidence in these areas. You might find yourself taking on more than you can handle in your job or struggling to balance your health and work life effectively.

Overall, this Full Moon period is about balancing your expanding worldview and communicative pursuits with the practical demands of your daily life. It's an excellent time for learning and sharing knowledge, but be mindful of overextending yourself and maintain a healthy balance between your ideals and your everyday responsibilities.

Capricorn Rising

For Capricorn Rising, this Full Moon in your 8th house of legacy illuminates significant emotional and financial transformations. This period might bring into focus matters related to shared resources, inheritance, or debts, highlighting the deep emotional and enduring impacts these have on your life and relationships. It’s a time for profound insights into intimacy, trust, and the legacy you are building through shared bonds and resources.

The conjunction of the Sun and Pluto in your 2nd house of personal resources, values, and self-worth highlights significant shifts in how you perceive and handle material assets, as well as your sense of self-worth. This aspect might prompt you to reassess what you value most and could lead to changes in your financial situation or how you utilize your resources.

The square to Jupiter in Taurus, located in your 5th house of creativity, romance, and pleasure, suggests that these personal and financial transformations may challenge or expand your approach to creative expression, romance, and enjoyment. You might experience a tension between the need for stability in your material life and a desire to pursue pleasure or creative ventures.

This Full Moon period is marked by a powerful transformation of your personal values and financial situation, intimate relationships, and creative life. It’s a time to find equilibrium between maintaining material stability and exploring deeper connections and creative fulfillment. This phase encourages embracing transformation in how you manage shared resources, express yourself creatively, and engage in romantic or pleasure-seeking activities. By navigating these dynamic tensions thoughtfully, you can foster growth in both your personal and financial realms, shaping a legacy that reflects your true values and desires.

Aquarius Rising

For Aquarius Rising, this Full Moon in your relationship sector, highlights a need for recognition and validation within partnerships. You might face a moment where your desire for a more dramatic, expressive connection clashes with the deeper, more transformative processes happening within yourself. This can lead to a reevaluation of your relationships, where you seek a balance between your individual identity and your role as a partner.

This placement emphasizes profound self-transformation. Your sense of identity and the way you present yourself to the world are undergoing significant changes. This period marks a time of deep introspection, where you confront aspects of your personality and life path that need evolution or even a complete overhaul. You're challenged to maintain your individuality while adapting to these inner changes.

Jupiter's influence in your home and family life suggests an expansion or change in your domestic sphere or inner emotional landscape. This can manifest as a desire to enhance your living space, a shift in family dynamics, or even a physical relocation. However, Jupiter's square indicates that these changes, while growth-oriented, may bring discomfort as they challenge your foundational security and sense of belonging.

Overall, this Full Moon brings a potent mix of personal revelation and transformation, particularly affecting your sense of self, relationships, and home life. The challenge lies in integrating the changes occurring within you with your external relationships and home environment. Embracing these transformations while maintaining a balance between self-expression and stability is key.

Pisces Rising

For Pisces Rising, this Full Moon in your 6th house highlights the area of daily routines, health, and service, bringing a heightened focus on balancing personal fulfillment with duties. You may feel a push to express yourself more authentically in your day-to-day tasks, seeking joy and creativity in the mundane. This period challenges you to integrate your need for self-expression within your work or health routines, possibly reshaping these areas to align more closely with your true self.

Deep psychological transformations are at play in the realm of your subconscious, solitude, and hidden matters. This conjunction suggests a time of intense introspection and purging of outdated aspects of your identity, particularly those that have been operating subconsciously. It's a period of confronting and healing past issues or patterns, leading to a powerful reclamation of personal power.

The square from Jupiter in Taurus emphasizes a tension between your desire for stability and practicality in your thoughts and communications, and the transformative processes occurring within. You may find your ideas and way of communicating undergoing changes, with a need to balance practicality and growth. This aspect challenges you to expand your mindset, possibly through learning or interactions with others, while staying grounded in reality.

Overall, this Full Moon period is about finding a balance between transformation and stability, especially in how you handle daily responsibilities, communicate, and deal with subconscious patterns. It's a time for embracing growth and change in these areas, while maintaining a sense of practicality and groundedness.

Until next time, my wish for you is sustainable transformation. -Robin💋

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